Chapter 12: Jack 'ill Kill Me

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Spot held my arm and started to walk me back into the restaurant. 

"Wait," I said. "I can't go in there, Jack ill kill me." I stopped. 

Spot didn't argue. He simply nodded his head and turned around. He walked me back to Brooklyn. Most of the newsies were out, having fun on their day off. That was good because I didn't want people to see me like this. Many people knew I was tough, and if they knew that I was beat in a fight, I would never hear the end of it. 

"Zip, get some clean water and a towel." Spot told a younger kid. The kid ran off. He was Spot's delivery boy, meaning he delivered messages to other newsies and also was a spy sometimes.

Spot took me into his room. He had his own since he was one of the top news boys of Brooklyn. It was a comfortable size, with a bed, mirror and small dresser. Zip came back with a small medical kit. He set it next to Spot and then went back to his business.

"Let's have a look atcha." Spot said. He grabbed the towel and dunked it into the water. There was some blood from the hit I got from Oscar. I grabbed the towel from him and started to clean my face. I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself. I was a mess. My hair was messily put into my cap (just so no one would see me), my face was bloody, and my hands and arms were battered and bruised. 

I sigh. "Thank you Spot." I said. 

"For what?" He asked. 

"You's know, savin' me from gettin' more hurt from the Delancy Brothas, and..." I trail off for a second. "Making me forget about the pain." I turn my head and grin so he doesn't see. I continue to wipe off my face. 

"Now, I just wanna tell ya something... I'm not the guy to really like goils." 

"Wait, but..."

"Yeah I know, stories people have said. They just assume cause I'm so high and mighty, thats I ain't a gentleman." He looked at me and walked over. He grabbed the towel from my hand and started wiping my face. With his other hand, he pushed my hair behind my ears. 

"I'm a tough guy, and I knows you's one tough goil," He told me. "But, I just couldn't help it when you's walked on those docks for the yesterday." He paused for a bit and he handed me back the towel. He turned and sat down on his bed. I continued to wash off my face and then started on my hands. 

"You's know what the first thing I though of when I say you's pull your cap off for the first time?" Spot said.

I looked at him and shook my head. 

"Well, I tried holdin' it in, but you's are drop dead gorgeous, and when your beautiful red hair fell down from your cap, it just took my breath away."

"You's did a really good job at hidin' it." I said, letting out a small laugh. "I had no idea that you's fell for me, and you wanna know when I fell for ya?" I told him.

He looked at me. "When was that doll face?" He smiled.

"The first night we's ran into each otha." I said. "Two nights ago, it was, your eyes."

"My eyes?" He asked. He chuckled a little bit.

"Don't you's laugh, you's know they beautiful eyes." I smiled at him and he looked down. He was being humble.

My face looked pretty decent, and then I realized that I better get back soon to Jack or he will be very mad at me for leaving for such a long time. 

"I should head out." I said, putting the cloth down on the side of the bucket. The cut from Oscar's hit was still visible, but I could easily cover it up with something stupid, like I slipped and fell. 

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