Chapter 14: Any Problems?

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A small window let in the sun light. I was now facing the door and the rays of the sunrise beamed on my face. I sat up and took in a deep breath. It took me a minute to realize that I was here in Brooklyn with Spot. Well, for 10 years I have been waking up in the same bed with the same people, so it felt kind of weird not being in Manhattan lodging house. I looked down and Spot was still fast asleep. I smiled, he looked to peaceful. I decided to let him sleep in, as I'm sure he does not get many days like these. I was an early riser, so waking up with the sun was normal for me. It was nice having the sun on my face to wake me up as well. It felt good. 

Spots arm was still around my waist. I moved his hand off silently, trying not to wake him. I pushed the covers back and crawled out of the bed. My feet hit the floor. I slipped on my worn out shoes and threw my hair into my cap. I headed for the door, but then stopped and turned around. I walked back over to Spot. I leaned down and gave him a kiss on his head. His dirty blonde hair glowed in the sunlight. My hand then reached for the handle, and I pulled the door open quietly. 

As I walked down the docks, I noticed there was not too many people up. I guess the other Brooklyn newsies were also taking advantage of their day off. 

I then passed Zip, who was sitting on the edge of the ledge. He was sitting next to another boy, who looked about my age. "Good mornin' Miss Kelly." He said.

"Good mornin' Zip, and please, call me Finn." I told him.

He shook his head. "You's a lady, and I address you's as one." He said in a sweet, little voice.

I just smiled at him. I thought it was cute.

I walked back to the lodging house and found Race and Mush standing outside. 

"Heya fellas." I greet them. 

"Ah, there's you are." Race said punching me in the shoulder as I walked up next to him.

I hit him back slightly as saying hello. 

"Heya Finn, so, where did you end up goin' last night?" Mush asked.

"I was in Brooklyn." I told them.

"You's were in Brooklyn?" Race said, surprised.

"Yeah," I said. "I was safe there, you guys know that. I mean, where else was I supposed to go?"

"Wat about Davey's place?" Race told me.

I shook my head. "Jack said it wasn't big enough for both of us to stay."

They both nodded their heads.

"So where's our Jacky boy?" Mush clapped his hands together.

I shrugged my shoulder.

"You's mean you don't know? He didn't stay wit you in Brooklyn?" Mush exclaimed.

"He's went to go and try to knock some sense into Crutchy and get 'im outta that horrible place." I told Race and Mush.

"He's betta get here soon though, 'cause we want to be prepared for the rally today." Mush said.

Right, the rally! I guess I was so caught up with Spot, I forgot about it for the morning.

"He knows it's important, he should be along soon." And just as I say those words, someone jumps on my back and covers my face. I knew it was Jack.

"Get off, get off!" I yelled at him. 

He laughed. I just smiled back at him, he looked in a good mood.

"Hey, theres our leader!" Mush slapped Jack on the shoulder. "What's up Davey."

 David was standing behind Jack. He smiled at us. He had the brains, so I was glad he was here early to plan.

"Let's get inside and start plannin' our newsies rally!" Race said, throwing his arm up in the air, making a fist with his hand. I laughed and started to follow them inside, when Jack pulled me back out.

I rolled my eyes, and turned around back outside. 

He looked in my eyes.

"So," He said. "Any problems that I have to take care of in Brooklyn?"

I shook my head. "Not one. They were very nice and nothin' happened to me."

I looked up and down at my body. "See, I'm here. I wouldn't be if there were problems to take care of."

Jack sighed. "Okay." He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked into the lodging house.


Sorry, short chapter :)

Brooklyn's Queen: A Spot Conlon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now