Chapter 17: I Don't Understand

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"No, I'm sure they will have the bulls posted at each entrance. They know we are going to try and get Jack outta there." David said. 

He had his hands on the table, and looked very stressed. I was still too upset to think about that. I know, everyone says, "It's Jack! He'll get himself out!" But, what if he doesn't. What if, this time he can't get out. The people at the refuge will take extra caution with Jack, and make sure theres no way to escape. I zoned out in thought, until David snapped in front of my face.

"Finn! Finn!" My eyes blinked and my head came back up to find David's face in mine. "Wake up! What are ya doing?" 

I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno, thinkin'." 

"Out of all these people, I thought you would be the one most into getting your brother outta the refuge..." David told me.

"Hey knock it off, can't you's see she's had enough today?" Spot warned David. The two of them stared at each other. I took a deep breath, and placed my hand on Spot's chest, to stop him from getting closer to David. Davey was just as upset as I was, but he handled it differently. He wanted to get his best friend out of hell.

"Sorry, I's jus keep zonin' out. But, Davey, I promise we'll get Jack outta there." I looked at him. "Okay? Don't stress it." I told him calmly.

David sighed, and sat down. I guess him seeing me calm, made him calm. Well, I'm calm on the outside, but not on the inside. I just want to curl up and cry. I'm trying hard not to break down again. I guess I should start talking, the newsies listened to me.

I began to speak. "Alright, so this is what we's should do..." 

(Time jump to the night.)

Me, David, Mush, Race, Kid, and Les all hid next to the gates of the refuge. We were waiting for them to open, hopefully they would. We stood there, patiently and quietly. Then, they opened. A horse and carriage entered, and so did we close behind. We kept ourselves close to the wall and then hid behind a bunch of crates. 

David pointed to a window on the second floor. "That's where we saw Crutchy." 

The window was pretty high, so we would have to climb up onto the roof and lower the rope down that Mush held. We then heard the main doors open up. Our gaze came back down and we saw Jack. He was still in hand cuffs and was being led by Mr. Snyder. 

"It's Jack, it's Jack!" Les said, starting to walk out behind the crates.

"Shh!" David said pulling him back.

They put Jack into the carriage that we followed in, and Snyder jumped on as well. 

"Where they takin' him?" Mush asked.

"Only one way to find out." I said. "Meet you's back at the square." 

While the carriage was still in slow motion, I jumped on the back. No one saw me since I jumped on in the shadows. Jack taught me this trick. 

We came up to another pair of gates, these ones were a beautiful bronze metal, and they led to a big mansion. The carriage came to a stop and Jack and Mr. Snyder got out. There were two butlers and another man standing on the stairs. They walked up a big stair case into the house and disappeared behind the doors.

The two butlers stood in the same position, not moving. While they were focused on their guests, I climbed down and laid on the ground. I moved slowly in the shadows under the carriage. My head passed the thing that connected the carriage to the house. I quickly thought, and pulled the pin that connected them together, in case they tried to come after us. As of right now, my plan was not so well thought out. I finally made my way behind some bushes next to the giant stairs leading into the house. I crouched down and waited in the shadows.

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