Chapter 35: Wit and Maisy

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My eyes blinked open. I tried to move, but I was restricted. I came into focus and found my hands tied to the chair I sat on, and my legs were strapped on as well. I looked around and saw it was dark, I was probably in a basement. I blinked my eyes a few more times, thinking I was just caught it a dream, but I wound up still in this position. My breaths became short, and I started searching all over the room for a sign of anything, but found nothing. 

The room was pretty plain. There was just enough light to see vividly throughout the place. I sat in a wooden chair that was placed in the back of the room. I was just hidden in the darkness. One small light bulb hung in the center and there were stairs straight a head of me. I looked down at my arms, and they were secured pretty tightly. I began to move them, trying to work my way out, but the rope just started to burn. I didn't know where I was exactly, or who put me here, all I knew is that I wanted Spot. 

I wanted to be with him, I wanted him here with me. I didn't even remember I was mad at him in this moment. All I could think of was being with him. A noise pulled me out of my thoughts and it came from the stairs. I fixated my eyes on the wooden stairs and heard footsteps coming down, slowly. 

Shoes started to appear, then legs, a torso, and finally the head. It was a man, the same one who  I just met out in the streets. I just then thought, how long was I here? I could have been knocked out for hours. The man walked towards me. I tried studying his face, to see if I recognized him, but nothing rang a bell. He had dark brown hair that was messy, and his eyes were a light blue, just like Spot's. He had a black jacket on, and under that was a worn out plaid shirt. His pants were a khaki color with bits of dirt scattered all over. 

The man came close to me and stood right in front. I just stared at him, not knowing what to do. 

"How ya feeling, Finn?" The man said. His voice was deep and gave me the chills when he spoke.

"How-hows do you know my name?" I asked. 

"Word gets around when your Spot's girl." The man told me. He bent down to reach my eye level. He was tall, about 6'1 I guessed. "So, tell me something Finley, how did you become so close with Spot Conlon?"

I didn't say anything and just continued to stare at him.

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself? My name is Wit Freeman, but I'm sure you've heard of me before, living in Brooklyn and all." My gaze became confused, and he saw this. The man chuckled. "Wait, they have said nothing to you about me?"

I shook my head. He scoffed and looked away from me. "That is too funny, guess Spot didn't want his most prized possession to be in danger, boy he thought wrong."

Wit looked back at me and chuckled again. "But you didn't answer my question before Finley, how did you become so close with the King of Brooklyn?" 

Again I said nothing. This time, Wit did not like that I was not answering. He reached into his pocket. "Oh come on Finny, we aren't going to hurt you too badly if you just answer the question when it's asked."

He pulled his hand out slowly and revealed a gun. My heart began to beat faster. I swallowed and drew my eyes back to his. He saw the fear in me, and he took joy in this.

"Oh, are you scared of the gun?" Wit brought the gun next to me, and placed the end of the gun aiming at the left side of my head. "Now, please do answer the question Finn."

I was not going to give him any information. My memories came back to me, and I remembered I was very mad at Spot, but I would still not give him up for anything. I stayed silent again, but this time my gaze faded away from him, and I was looking at the stairs. I did not want to look into his eyes, it reminded me of Spot.

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