Wendy Marvell a name that triggers emotion to the fairy tail guild
What is during the tenrou arc Wendy isn't Mess partner but one of Lucy's celestial spirit Aries , now now Aries is a fairy tail member What if during the seven years blank Wendy tra...
As Natsu came to challenge Wendy , Wendy froze Natsu and unfreeze him and said "Let's take this outside!"
"Me first !" Wendy said
" Reign upon the frozen heaven, Sho!" Wendy said and a ice dragon formed Â
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"Fire dragon's roar !" Natsu countered.
The ice dragon melts "Hah is that all you got Wendy!!" I hear Natsu said
"Tch. Don't get to confident Natsu san
Rise and drawn the forces evil, Aquamarine !!"
In the melted dragon rises another dragon
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"Go Aquamarine roar!" As Wendy said Aquamarine roar but that didn't stop Natsu
"Fire dragon's roar!" As Natsu attack he didn't notice that Aquamarine split in half the other get burnt and the other half now Aquamarine is behind Natsu
"Natsu behind you!" I warned him but it was too late Aquamarine bits Natsu and throw him is the air
"What she has re-quip too!?" The guild shouts "You guys don't know?" I asked "No! "
She then flashed towards Natsu higher than where Natsu is And kick him back to the ground but before she can kick him Natsu stop her foot and throw Wendy to the ground luckily before she can hit the ground the ground starts to make a sand of bed where Wendy landed
Natsu seems shocked about it as he lands to the ground
"Didn't this armors name Nature empress that mean I'm the empress of the nature when I wear this that's why the ground do as I command ." Wendy explains
" Now re-quip Morning light!!!" Wendy said
"That name is similar to my Morning star armor!" Erza said
"That's because you are her inspiration beside anyone in this guild I'm the only one who knew Wendy nee can re-quip ." Romeo said
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As Wendy re-quips we are all staring at her in awe including Natsu......NATSU BAKA!!!
Natsu snap out of it when Wendy said
"Natsu san you're wide open !!
Arrrghhh.!!!! Ray of light haaahhh,!!!!!" Wendy swings her sword
And bam Natsu's out cold and Wendy turns back to normal
"Here I'll heal you Natsu san." Wendy said healing Natsu
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Wendy finish healing Natsu san and they bring him to the infirmity or what ever
This is a fight I'll never forget
I thought smiling
Happy :Lucy.... "Hmm..?" Happy: has anyone told you ,you smile like a sun fish "Shut it cat!!"
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