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Hey lovelies, long time no see. here's the prologue to the new book Open Sticthes.

- I have been gone for a while and never keep my promises on posting but this time I swear I will be here to stay my loves.

- I already have the next two chapters done and I'm pretty damn proud of them. My writing is better than it was before!

- But anywho, I will be updating every Tuesday and possibly sometime on the weekends this is just an early gift lol.

- however, if you all could show me some love by hitting that little star at the end of the chapter and sharing this book around to ya friends and anyone, That would mean the world to me.

Alright i'm done. I love you beauties, ENJOY!! AND VOTE.


It was Christmas Eve and we were headed to see my grandparents. It wasn't as cold as I would have expected it to be but then again we lived in California. I remember that the windows were rolled down, letting the air make a mess of my hair but I hadn't minded it because I had still got the chance of seeing downtown all lit up at night. My dad was driving while my mom was in the passenger seat and me and my brother were in the back. My brother was cracking jokes like he always was and my parents were laughing with their hands joined. 

It was picture perfect. Of course at the time I was annoyed that I hadn't gotten the chance to go to a party with this guy that I had a crush on, so like every teenage girl that feels like their parents are out to get them, my life was the worst. I was so wrong though. So very very wrong.

I had compromised with my parents that night that the only way they could make it up to me was if we drove by downtown L.A. I had always loved the way the buildings lit up at night and how much everything looked alive. So my parents trying to be the wonderful parents they were, they had agreed. The music was blasting through the speakers, my family was laughing, and I was too caught up in my own world to care.

We were on the freeway, cutting through the buildings of downtown and making our way to Hollywood where we would meet my grandparents at this new house they had bought for their retirement. They had said they wanted to be closer to the heart and soul of Los Angeles. They loved everything about California, down to the shitty winter weather. My parents were the same and I'd be lying if I said any different.

But here I was still sulking over the fact that I was stuck in this car with my family heading farther and farther away from the party I was supposed to go to with Jake. What I didn't realize was that in the next few moments my life would literally be the equivalent of shit hitting the fan. While I could have enjoyed these last few moments I was being a brat. I didn't think our time would be cut short.

We were just getting off the freeway, we had been waiting at the light for a few minutes already and I was yelling at my parents about how I could've visited Ma and Pa the weekend that followed. My dad told me to sit back down as my brother was trying to help me back into my seat.

"Jupe, stop just sit back down," he said reaching for my hand. If it was one thing my brother could do it always was his being able to calm me down.

"Then tell mom to stop being such a bitch and stop ruining my life" I had yelled, throwing myself back in my seat as I looked out the window.

"Jupe, stop talking about your mom like that! We are going to visit you grandparents and that's final," my dad huffed out right as the light turned green.

"I hate you guys." I had whispered.

I wish I could take back those words.

As soon as my dad had turned at the light all I remember seeing was a bright flash of light before everything around me started tumbling into chaos. Pieces of glass from the window went flying everywhere, hitting our bodies as our car tumbled on the street. I remember hitting my head against the side of the car door and crying out. My brother beside me was unconscious, his body swaying with the movements of that car flipping over. What may have been a few seconds for any passerby felt like an eternity for me.

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