The Betrayal of the Rosales Brothers

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A/N: (Above) Cristina and Leah.

May, 2012

Jaime Rosales poured himself a glass of white wine, staggering under the weight of the bottle, and then chugged it down clumsily in seconds. "Go on." He pushed the bottle towards his brother Diego Rosales. "Help yourself to some."

"The Scholomance doesn't permit me alcohol." Diego replied quietly.

"Screw the Scholomance!" Jaime heavily took a seat by the ledge of the Institute terrace. "Once our branch of the Rosales are in control of the Institute, you wouldn't have to look up to the Scholomance for your livelihood!"

Diego raised an eyebrow. "That's what the ulterior motive has always been." Jaime told him, parting his lips in a smug grin. "Do you think I really care about Cristina?" Jaime laughed. "Once I am her Parabatai and you her husband, we will use our influence - and her love and approval for both of us - to get our side of the family in power."

Jaime took another shot. "You really don't care about her? You know she loves you, right?" Diego reminded his brother.

Jaime smirked. "She loves you too. But do you love her?" Diego didn't answer, and Jaime laughed.

"At least you still have an option of getting a divorce, later sometime. I'd be stuck as her Parabatai for the entirety of my lifetime . . . till death part thee and me." A clever grin appeared on his face. "I can, however, arrange for a quick, unsuspicious death. A poor female Shadowhunter . . . died due to a demon attack. Quite understandable. Nothing out of the ordinary. And the Parabatai's word wouldn't be questioned."

Diego didn't say anything. And nor did the 3rd person, who sat hidden from the view of the Rosales brothers,  quietly absorbing every word that passed between the two.

Cristina couldn't take it any more. The 2 men in her life whom she believed she could trust with her life - her future husband and her future Parabatai - were planning this behind her back.

Not only did the Rosales wish to deprive Cristina and her mother of the control they established over the Institute, but they were even planning her murder.

Emitting a pained sob, Cristina fled downstairs into her room. She didn't really think what or where, as she hastily scooped her clothes and belongings into a suitcase; all she knew was that she had to get out of the Institute.

The streets outside the Institute were dark and briefly windy, but Cristina Mendoza Rosales was not the least intimidated. She was a Shadowhuter; she was her family's greatest asset. She would not let the boys - or the darkness - vanquish her.

And thus, promising so to herself, Cristina continued walking on the pavement - bereft a destination, but with great determination. However, after about a mile of randomly walking, Cristina threw herself on the curb in anger and helplessness.

Where could she go? What would she tell them? How long was she planning to hide from the Rosales brothers? What would she do, during her hiding? What if they found her?

Cristina emitted a low groan of frustration, and buried her face in her lap.

"I can tell you of a place where you can hope to make friends, find love, have adventures, solve mysteries and start over once again." Said a voice. Cristina looked up, and was briefly startled upon seeing a translucent silvery-grey girl floating in front of her. She was a ghost, undeniably - and one, who looked oddly familiar.

"Where?" She croaked.

"Los Angeles."

Cristina wiped at her cheeks and said "How do you know?"

"I just do, Cristina Mendoza Rosales."

Realisation struck her. "You are Leah Carstairs! And you live with the Carstairs! In LA!"

"Currently only 1 Carstairs resides." Leah spoke. "She will enjoy having you as her friend; it's quite dull in there without the Blackthorns, anyway."

Cristina got up from the curb, and said "I've . . . I've heard so much about you, Leah. Everyone around here is so inspired by you."

"You flatter me." Leah smiled. "Shall we?"

"Of course. Only . . ." Cristina trailed off, staring at her feet.

"Yes. I swear I won't tell anybody about what happened regarding your future husband and Parabatai - until you are ready. You have my word."

Cristina sniffed. "Thank you. Let's go."

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