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It had been two weeks. Two weeks since the love of my life walked out. Course the only thing that made today worse was the fact it was valentines day. I had no occupations of leaving the house. I had no desire to even leave my bed. I had been wrapped in Louis' sheets for days. Inhaling the faint smell of lavender and rose petals and cinnamon and cranberry juice and chocolate and strawberry shampoo and fruity soaps and everything that was Louis. His clothes were still left on the floor (anything he didn't take at least) and I was debating screaming.

The first day I was quiet. Just laying in bed and trying not to cry. Second and third day I think I broke 20 things. Consisting of picture frames and mirrors and glasses ad stupid novelty wedding gifts I didn't like anyways. Course I had some sense at least, calling Nick to console he. And the fact he had to yank a bottle of vodka out of my hand and demand what the fuck was going on, wasn't even the worst part. And until now, I was silent and sleeping and taking more melatonin than the average insomniac. And it had gone on for over a week.

Nick entered my room with a knock, sitting on the side of my bed and handing me a glass of water. I sipped slowly, expecting silence but that never came.

"Liam wants you at the office." I swallowed thickly, setting down the glass on the table.

"Tell him Im busy." Nick gave me a look of pity.

"Harry, it's been two weeks. I can't keep covering for you."

"Yes you can." I stated. My voice was heavy from sleep and overall moodiness.

"Haz, he's already suspicious. Everyone is suspicious. They want to know what's up." I laid my head against the pillow and pulled the duvet closer to my body.

"Tell them my husband left me and I want to die." Nick was silent, but laid down beside me a moment later, brushing the deflated curls away from my face.

"You don't mean that." He whispered.

"My life walked out on me." I mumbled. "I don't understand."

"I know you don't mate, but you can't keep wasting your life away like this. I know you're hurting but-"

"There's no buts. You've never been walked out on." Nick raised a brow at me.

"Can you work with me? All you have to do is see what Liam wants. I'm sure it's not a big deal. He just wants you back in the public eye." I shrugged.

"Tell the paps Im on break." Nick scoffed.

"When do the paps ever listen to anything anybody says that's not scandal related?" I was silent and he decided to continue. "Come on mate, you just have to shave and shower and put on a pair of jeans and you're fine."

"Jeans are stupid." I gritted. Nick smiled.

"They're your trademark. Black jeans with gashes in them."

"I don't care." I grunted. He huffed and got out of bed gripping my arm.

"Come on then." I mumbled a bunch of 'no's but it wasn't like it mattered, because he managed to pull half of me out of bed until my head was to the floor and my legs were the only limbs left in the bed.

"I hate you." I stated. He smiled and pulled the rest of me until I tumbled out onto the hardwood floor.

"Shower. Shave. Jeans."

"Fuck. You. Grimshaw." He pulled me up, kissing both cheeks and leaving me to fend for myself.

I trudged into the bathroom with a change of clothes and quite literally jumped at my appearance. My face was scattered with scruff, lips cracked and skin pale. Bags heavy and purple underneath my eyes. It was quite sad really.

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