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Baby Blue VI

When Harry landed in LA, he was flocked with endless paps. Most questioning about Louis and rumours of divorce and cheating scandals and it was just a mess really.

When Harry's security had finally pushed him through the crowd and into the car, he let out a long sigh of relief. Harry liked attention, he just didn't like this attention. The lying and the rumours and the intruding and the lack of privacy really. He was sure he was a nuisance to everyone in the airport. It's certainly not everyday you see a mob of flashing cameras all directed at one man. Specifically one who is still practically a boy.

Harry removed his sunglasses and hooked them around the collar of his shirt. Running a stray hand through his hair as the car began to rumble. Paul was in the passengers seat, and his usual driver for America was driving. He went by the name of Anthony. And he had salt and pepper scruff and a reseeding hairline that made the 24 year old actor cringe.

"You alright Harry?" Paul asked. Harry nodded and hummed a response, hands rubbing over his face. "Liam sent a lot of them over. News spread a bit yeah?"

"What happens when your flight gets leaked I suppose." Harry stared. Paul nodded and the ride to the hotel was virtually silent.

When they did arrive, they weren't flocked at all thankfully. Paul ushering the boy in and they sauntered up to the front desk. Harry watching the bellboy with his bags and such.

"Good afternoon Mr. Styles always a pleasure having you." Greeted the receptionist. He was a regular at this hotel, he tipped very very well (unless they were unkind or bitter towards him)

"Thanks." He replied and the receptionist slid a clipboard toward him.

"We just need you to sign off here and we'll give you your key and room number." Harry picked up the pen on the desk, scribbling his signature and twisting it back. The receptionist beamed at him, picking a car off the slots in the wall and sliding it to him.

"Okay, so your room is 412 on the fourth floor, that alright?"

"Perfect thanks." She smiled again and Harry flicked his tongue over his lips before leaning across the desk a bit. "Do you know if a Louise Teasdale checked in yet?" The receptionist typed a bit into her computer, lips turning down.

"Not yet sir."

"Alright, thanks anyways." The receptionist put on another red lipstick stained coffee breath smile for him and watched him turn his back and head towards the elevators. The elevators were empty and Paul had left him with a reassuring pat on the arm and an 'I'll see you later kiddo.' and he was alone now.

He pressed stair four and waited for the platform to arise when on floor two it stopped, and in walked a business woman. Very professional (as well as tight) suit. Her grey pencil skirt clinging to her thighs, jacket open and showing off her rather large breasts and she was petite. And blond. And green eyed. And beautiful.

She glanced at Harry through her glasses and puckered her pink lipgloss lips.

"What floor you heading up to?" She asked. Her voice was smooth like hot wax and Harry liked it a bit to much.

"Stair four." She hummed as the doors closed and the two were left alone. They got to stair three when she spoke up.

"You know, you look oddly familiar. I must've seen you before." Harry smirked at her, eyeing her up and down.

"Yeah?" She nodded.

"Aren't you that Styles kid who's always in those pop magazines and junk?" He chuckled.

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