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I did double updates so you can all calm your tits and not bombard me with updates. Thankies.

Baby Blue III

When Louis awoke on Monday morning, it was to the blaring sound of Marimba on his phone and he groaned wishing he had a scan or something today that would just let him sleep in just for five more minutes. Or fifty. Better yet, five hours.

But Louis is a trooper, and he pulls himself out of bed, fists rubbing over his eyes and works his way blindly into the kitchen. The 20 year old opens up the fridge and inspects its continents before grimacing.

"Eggs are gross." He murmurs to himself. "Toast it is." He opens up a package of sliced bread and jams it in the toaster before glancing out the window across the room. The sun is peaking over the sky creating clouds of cotton candy and orange streaks of light. The boy yawns, turning on his kettle and fishing a small slip of tea for himself. Ripping the package and placing the bag in his cup. His toast pops up and he spreads it with butter, then cuts it into triangles like he always does before chomping down on an angle.

He breathes deep knowing exactly what's going to follow his meal, but he continues to eat regardless. Eventually pouring himself a spot of tea, but his light meal doesn't really stop anything.

It's a matter of minutes before Louis is gagging into the toilet. Spitting into the porcelain bowl and rubbing his flipping stomach over and over.

"Nice to know you're awake pumpkin." He mutters. He spits once more, flushing the contents away. "And wiggly." He knows what his child is like already surprisingly. He's 12 weeks long he should bloody know. He knows they've got little legs and kicking feet and they can't sit still (it's definitely Louis' baby) He knows the heartbeat sounds like a train and that their head is shaped like a bean and he knows his baby. He loves his baby. He's always wanted a baby.

Louis opts for a shower after his morning sickness has worn down and when he's finished he's got about another hour and a half to do whatever. So with damn hair he slides back into the kitchen and shoves handfuls of cocoa pops into his mouth because he's fucking starving and he can't really help it. Anything he eats before 10 is usually retched up by his picky daughter and not only that carrying for two is really starting to mess around with his hunger.

Louis isn't exactly used to being pregnant. Then again, who would? He is somewhat used to the morning sickness, not at all used to the cravings. He sure as hell isn't used to the random spurts of being horny (he has had to wank meticulously with his fist in his mouth in the men's washroom twice at school.) and he's a bit lost and mostly lonely and highly confused but he's okay because he's having a baby and babies are always nice.

The boy flops down in the couch, he's got a half hour left and he really just wants to sleep but he can't cause of the baby being the baby, so he opts for calling his mother. Even though he just saw her yesterday, he's well aware that she has just had another set of twins and that it's possible she needs to rant about something. All the girls are at school and she's home alone with the twins which isn't so bad. Then again, they're newborns and you never know what to expect.

"Hello darling." She greets, she sounds tired in the receiver but also a bit happy he called.

"Hi mummy." Louis says, his voice is chipper but it's followed by a yawn and a chuckle on the other line. "How is my favourite lady?"

"Your sister is alright." The boy giggles.

"Meant you mummy." He can hear the smile in her voice as she shuffles about.

"Im alright love, tired. Extremely tired. Your brother is quite the fuss."


"Well I don't think you have another brother sweetheart." Louis smiles.

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