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Baby Blue IX

Louis is even bigger than before now. The baby is kicking up a storm and he can barely hide it. It's a Friday and its his last day of school until his daughter is born. He's resorting to online university and he's discussed it with his professors and the head of the school. His doctors had given him pounds of medical statements for them to look at and now he sits in his final lecture. Ironically, it's professor Holmes.

He's got a presentation up on the wall and Louis is scribbling notes down feverishly. He's really glad he has this class with Zayn. Unfortunately, his friend had skipped the lecture. Probably going over to Perrie's or Niall's or something. Not that it wouldn't surprise the blue eyed boy.

Eventually, the lecture finishes and Louis' peers begin to scramble up and head for the door. Louis adjusts his sweater, covering the bump of his stomach sneakily, and shoving his books in his bag. All until Prof. Holmes stands in front of him.

"Mr. Tomlinson?" Louis glances up, fringe flopping over his eye and he blows it away.

"Yes?" Louis doesn't try to connect the 'Styles' to it. If he even tries, the press would have a field day if they found out Louis and Harry are in fact staying together and not getting a divorce.

"A word if you please?" Louis stands up, joints cracking and he winces at the intrusive sound.

Louis walks around the desk, arms folding over his chest and over to professor Holmes.

"So from my understanding, you won't be in my class for the rest of the year." Louis nods. "I know it's probably difficult for you isn't it?" Louis turns his head to the side in confusion.


"The divorce and all. Your medical leave." Louis purses his lips and stays silent. "It's tragic really, when this type of thing happens."

"Yeah... It's... It's tough sir." He lies. His professor smiles, stepping forward.

"Call me Greg." Louis eyes him. "Harry hasn't been treating you very well has he. Kind of awful how people are unfaithful." Louis' jaw goes a bit slack.

"Nobody is supposed to know about..." He trails off as Greg smiles at him.

"Everyone does."

"Everyone?" Louis croaks. Greg nods and steps forward. "It's... We're just..." Greg hushes him, bringing a hand up to fix Louis' fringe.

"It's a shame when people treat beautiful things with such little care. Like love. Like you." Louis gulps. "I know professors shouldn't be having one on one talks about students lives but-" Louis shivers at Greg's coffee breath. "If you need anything. Anything at all Louis, I'm here for you. Always. When you need someone normal and grown up enough to give you the things you deserve."

"I-I-I" Louis stutters.

"You don't deserve this Louis. You deserve so much more." He's leaning in and before Louis can do anything, he finds himself stumbling backwards away from his professor.

Louis is shaking his head and his hands are shaking and and he feels bile rising up in his throat.

"Louis it's okay-"

"Is not. Is not okay at all." He spits. Louis yanks his bag off the ground and speeds out the room like a deer. He strides quickly down the hall and he really just wants to run. But he's pregnant an that's a bit difficult.

He pushes into the empty stairwell and plops down in the corner underneath the window. Curling himself up into a ball an pushing his face into his hands.

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