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Baby Blue XIV

When Harry wakes up, he doesn't remember anything. All he can see is virgin white surrounding him, mixes of minty blue, and the steady beep of whatever.

He blinks at his surroundings and instantly groans. He's in a hospital, granted he doesn't know what exactly for. His arm is wrapped up tight and it feels like it's broken. He can wiggle his toes, so that's okay. His head is throbbing like he just got punched or something. And he's weak. Very weak.

It seems to be a good thing he woke up, because a nurse comes in wearing a smile.

"Hello Harry." He smiles sleepily at her, and mouthes back a reply. Surprised he suddenly doesn't have a voice. "How are you feeling? Any pain I should take a look at?"

"My arm feels like rubbish." The nurse smiles and adjusts his left limb.

"Yeah, ran into quite the bad snap there. Should get that plastered within a day or so." Harry raises a brow at her. "And your head I assume feels terrible?"

Harry nods, instantly regretting it.

"Might be the concussion, or the alcohol kicking in." Harry stares at the woman.

"What do you mean, alcohol?" The nurse pauses, turns and smiles worriedly at him.

"Do you remember why you're here?" Harry shakes his head gently. "Can you tell me what day it is darling?" Harry shrugs.

"Dunno, mid December?" The nurse freezes and stares at him. "What's wrong?"

"Im gonna go get your doctor, stay right here." Harry beckons for her before she leaves.

"Where's my husband?"


"Louis. Louis Styles?" The nurse's face contorts.

"He was in the waiting room earlier, said his name was Louis Tomlinson though." Harry's ears are ringing as she walks out and he actually wonders what the fuck is happening.


Louis enters Harry's hospital room and sees the boy lying there. His hair is splayed in a bunch of different directions and his forehead is sliced. His leg is cut up. Bruises battering his skin. And his arm is taped up and out of harm.

And his knees nearly give out.

Harry's eyes move over him, and they light up like its the first time they've looked at each other.

"Hi baby." And Louis chokes and his knees actually buckle beneath him. And Mia absolutely assaults him from the inside. "Loulove?" Louis' eyes cast to the boy and his dimpled smile and big teeth and he's so pale.

"I thought you were dead." Harry smiles wide at his husband and chuckles.

"Why would I be dead?"

"Your car was totalled Hazzy." Harry's eyes knit together.

"My car?" Louis nods and steps forward a bit.

"Audi." Harry's eyes widen.

"Awe that was a good one... How did it total?" Louis gulps.

"You drove out the rail and hit a tree." Harry stares down, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "You were drunk."


"Cause of Greg I think." Harry blinks and turns his head.

"Who's Greg?" Louis' bottom lip trembles. "Hey, don't cry baby. Did... Did I hit Greg? Is he your friend?"

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