Chapter 38- Tell Me

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Sorry this chapter will be super short. It's just to wrap up the last chapter.


Loren and Eddie lay there next to eachother naked out of breath, staring up at the ceiling. Loren starts to laugh.

Eddie: *rolls over on his side to look at her.* What? *he chuckles back*

Loren: I don't know. I'm just so happy. *she says as she rolls over on her side to stare back at him.*

Eddie: Let me tell you Loren, I've never met any girl who loves me more than you do and does so much, that they are willing to go all out and show me their love, while they're doing it.

Loren: *smiles* I don't know how I should take that. *she laughs* Are you a player or are you just trying to tell me how much you love how I pleasure you. *she laughs even harder*

Eddie: *laughs even harder* I am not a player! The second one I guess. I just want to tell you how much I enjoy you.

The room gets quiet of the awkwardness and the both burst into laughter.

Loren: You are just not making this sound any better!

Eddie: Okay.. let me reword this...

Loren quickly kisses Eddie's lip before he can say another word.

Eddie: Good way of telling me to shut up. *he chuckles*

Eddie meets her lips again and Loren rolls on top of him, not breaking the kiss. They have an intense make out session that starts round two.


Loren and Eddie continue to make out, now on the living room couch. Both out of breath, happy, and just exshausted.

Eddie: *finally stops kissing and sits up on the couch*This was an amazing night babe.

Loren: Yes... *she says as she sits back up, takes Eddie's arm and puts it around herself. Then slowly slides her hand in between his thigh and keeps it there.* ... yes it was.

Loren smiles and looks up at Eddie and meets him for a kiss.

Eddie: *turns on the TV* You know, you're the greatest girl ever. I wouldn't be happier with anyone else.

Loren: Same to you. I'd never love anyone else. *she smiles back at him*

Eddie: So I have a question.

Loren: What?

Eddie: Did you ever have a boyfriend before me?

Loren: Um... actually no. I almost did though.

Eddie: Cameron?

Loren: Yeah. You remember him?

Eddie: Yeah, I just was hoping I didn't steal you away from the guy. So I guess I kinda did.

Loren: You did, but I'm so happy you did. I wouldn't have been happy with a sports kinda guy. I like the singers *she pokes Eddie and laughs*

Eddie: Then in that case, I'm glad I did also. *he smiles and kisses her gently on her temple*

Eddie eventually starts to get sleepy and lays down on the couch while Loren got up to get her phone. Loren comes back into the living room and Eddie looks up at her and motions for her to come lay down with him. She does. Once Loren lays down, Eddie puts his arms around her and she holds his hand right that is right in front of her. Loren starts to hear Eddie somewhat snorring.

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