Chapter 48- Unbreakable Passion

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LAST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!! :( I just wanted to let you guys know how much I enjoyed writing this book. I would be beyond happy if I was able to write a second book but there's nothing to write about. /: If there was another season on Hollywood Heights I would but otherwise there's nothing to build off of anymore. This book was just a substitute for you people who were in love with the show like I was and wanted a second season. So this was basically the second season. So I love you guys and please read my new story coming up about, Cameron Dallas, the famous viner because he's so gorgeous. Lol. Enjoy this last chapter and PLEASE COMMENT!!


Eddie: You ready to go babe?! *yells from the hotel room, front door*

Loren: *walks out of the bedroom with her two suitcases* Yeah, I'm ready. Finally we get to tell everyone!

Eddie: I know right?! It's been killing me!

Loren and Eddie walk out of the hotel room and head to the airport. After a two hour flight, back to Los Angeles, they arrive back home in their pent house. (Eddie's, but now they live together).  They put away their bags and walk out to the living room. Eddie plops down on the couch and Loren lays on top of him as a joke. They both laugh but don't move.

Loren: So when is everyone gonna be here for the big announcement?

Eddie: In about 15 minutes...

The room is silent once more until there's a knock at the door. Loren gets up off of Eddie and answers the door. She screams of joy when she see's Melissa standing there with a DVD disc in her hand.

Loren: What are you doing here?!!

Melissa: Helping you guys get ready to break the news! CONGRATULATIONS GIRL!

Loren: How did you know already?!!!!

Melissa: I was there to video tape it.

Eddie: *gets up off his chair* I asked Mel to hide in the bushes to video tape the moment for us.

Loren: Awwww! That's such a good idea. Because now we have that forever! But how'd you manage to have Melissa stay that quiet?

Melissa: Now, that was not easy at all! When you guys walked away, and I came out, I was a crying mess. I'm surprised you guys didn't hear me!

Loren: Thank you for being there to film it! *Hugs her*

Melissa: Now let's put this in and get ready to show everyone!

Melissa hands Eddie the DVD and he puts it in the Dvd player.They wait another 5 minutes until everyone is finally there to enjoy the moment. Nora, Max, Jake, Kelly, Melissa, Ian, and Adam all gather around the TV. No one knowing what they're about to watch but Max, Melissa, Jake, and of course, Eddie and Loren.

Nora: What is this all about?!

Loren: Just wait and watch. Eddie, press play.

Eddie does so. The room is silent as they watch Eddie and Loren slow dance, but mouths drop as they watch Eddie get down on one knee. Some cries and "awe's" come out of a couple of them and then as they watch Loren say 'yes', they mostly all lose it. Loren even starts crying at sight of the moment once more. Nora is the first to run over to her daughter and give her a hug in tears.

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