~~~Daily Verse~~~
Proverbs 26:11 (ESV)
"Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly."
~~~My Thoughts~~~
I have heard people say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. This verse is referring to exactly that. The first portion may sound weird to most people, but it makes perfect sense to me. I have two dogs, and whenever they are sick their first reaction is to lick up their own vomit. (Disgusting, I know.) If I don't stop my dogs from doing so, then all it causes is for them to vomit again. If we do something foolish, and repeat that same foolish action but expect a different result we are like dogs returning to their vomit. So rather than repeating mistakes, learn from them. Ask the Lord for forgiveness, and decide how to act in a way that would please the Lord next time.
Verses, Quotes, and Encouragement.
EspiritualDaily Bible verses, occasional quotes and uplifting words to encourage you.