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~~~Daily Verse~~~

Isaiah‬ ‭49:13‬ ‭ (ESV‬‬)

"Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth; break forth, O mountains, into singing! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on his afflicted."

~~~My Thoughts~~~

I'm so grateful that we serve a compassionate God. When I'm worried, stressed, scared, confused, lost, etc. I get to rest in the loving arms of the God who comforts. Then in return for His love and comfort, we get to sing His praises. We have the opportunity to break forth in joyous songs of worship, because He is so worthy. So rest in God's arms, then learn to sing to Him your own song of adoration.

~~~Songs That Relate~~~

Wrap Me In Your Arms - Michael Gungor

~~~Quote For Today~~~

"Your faith will unlock your miracle, and your miracle will unlock your faith." -Mario Ramos

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