Prologue: A world beyond his own

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Stephen was a young boy, only 14 years of age. His hair was a light brown with matching eyes. As for physical traits, that's about it. Personality is another category though.

He was an oddball among society. His interests did not match those around him. While others would drown out a teacher's rambling or consider their advancements against the next boss in Dark Souls, Stephen would happily sit there doing mathematics. While other boys would run around chasing a football and kicking it each other's way, Stephen would much rather read a book than receive a football to the face. He was by no means an idiot, quite the contrary actually, but the 'modern' terms other kids used for each other were simply lost on him. Stephen knew these traits set him apart, it made him feel unique. What he did not know was that he was unique in a different way...

As per usual, he arrived home from school and got changed out of his uniform and sat down to watch television in his room. Nothing out of the ordinary. Oddly, the television froze. No images moved. No sound resonated. Assuming it was just a problem with his TV, he went downstairs to see if anybody was watching anything down there.

Curiously, as Stephen stared into the living room from the bottom of the stairs, it was like he was staring at his TV all over again. His mother, sister and brother were all frozen too. Their still stares were emblazoned into his head.

There was a noise behind him.

The TV was static. Odd. Nobody used analogue television anymore. Nearing out of curiosity, he stared into grey image. With a sudden flash, it became a purple swirling vortex. Stephen's confusion was short lived however as the image seemed to be creating it's own force of suction. Stephen slid towards it even though he was trying his best to stop himself. Stranger yet, only he seemed to be affected. Grabbing onto to a nearby lamp, he made his best attempt to pull himself away before his grip loosened and he was pulled into the violet void.

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