Chapter 13: A Melody of death: Part 2

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"Really? The third time? You think this kid would learn by now."

Stephen awoke, chained to the wall, to what appeared to be an industrial warehouse. Various machinery shunted and clamoured while others glowed green and red. In the centre, there was a giant machine filled with mysterious green liquid. It appeared unfinished as the lid was still open, revealing the crushing gears within. Above the contraption was a balcony occupied by none-other than Andre.

"Finally! You are really a heavy sleeper, you know that. I mean, if your suit didn't cushion the blow, I'm sure you'd have been out for far longer. Your friends don't have suits though."

"You better not have hurt them!"

"What? No! They're right next to you, still unconscious albeit. How did you not notice that?"

"Maybe because that weird sky voice that says everything we do didn't point it out?" Stephen replied, slightly annoyed, "See! There it goes again!"

Drez, Chico and Paz came to at this point and Andre continued to monologue.

"Ah! Glad you could join us. Now the party can really start."

Looking around, something became apparent.

"What did you do to Melody, Andre?" Paz yelled.

A laughter came from the shadows.

"I still can't believe you bought it for that long."

A feminine figure walked towards Andre. Melody.

"I told you! I told all of you! She's evil!" Chico blurted out.

"And yet even you came to believe it in the end."

Andre gave her a hug. "You were magnificent my little Birdie."

"Of course I was. And I must thank you for that little distraction you had out there!"

"Distraction?" Paz inputted.

"Oh, didn't you notice? I told my little Sweat pea here you were coming in advance and he incapacitated you while I got the supplies to finish my machine from him."

"Genius isn't it? And, I must say, excellent execution from you, Birdie."

"Indeed. And do you know what I have to say to you, sweet pea?"


"Two little words." She took off her glasses and smiled, "We're through." She stopped smiling.

"But Birdie, I..."

"And would you stop calling me Birdie! Whatever you thought we had, it was never there. I played all of you like a fiddle. ALL of you. However, you did help me, so I'll let you go willingly." She turned around and flicked her wrist. "You're dismissed."

"But Melody, I DO love you. We can still make this work. We can control this world together!"

"First off, Melody isn't my real name. Second off, you we're never in the picture. You were as disposable as the rest of my assistants. Hammond, Alsaitz even poor, naïve Drez here. I needed them only to build this. Once I had what I needed I... terminated them. So leave, before I change my mind."

"As you wish..." He sighed. Out walked a broken man.

"I know he's trying to kill us but... poor guy." Stephen remarked.

"Oh would you can it!? I have no idea how I put up with you idiots for so long! That's about to change. You know what's one of the worst things in this world is?"

"Disease?" Drez answered.

"Famine?" Chico responded.

"An angry Paz?" Stephen replied earning a snarl from the red-headed girl, "See what I mean?"

'Melody' sighed, "No! Discrimination, violence, hatred! I plan to rid the world of all three. This machine below me will release a wave that will turn everyone into mindless drones. With no free-will, they can all agree on the same things. It just so happens that I will have to lead them. So it's a win-win."

"It's a nice principle but wrong execution." Drez retorted

"The only execution around here will be yours. Guards! Dispose of them."

Two bulking robots came toward them as 'Melody' watched on. Before they could raise their axes, the weapons began floating in the air.

"Telekinesis, remember?" Chico pointed at her head. She then used the axes to set the group free and quickly disposed of the robots.

'Melody' tried to run before quickly being cornered. "Oh please! Do your worst! We all know what's going to happen. You little 'goody-two-shoes' are going to give me mercy at the last second and then I'll come back and forever haunt you of the mistake you 'heroes' always make."

In a rare occasion, Chico started yelling at the woman, "I knew you were evil from day one! You're a liar, a cheat and a villain! I should of done this when I met you!"

Chico pushed 'Melody' onto the railing where she lost her balance and fell over the side into the cogs of the machine below, screaming as she fell. Then, the screaming stopped.

"I didn't like her." Chico huffed.

"I guess we should've believed you. " Paz responded.

"True. Let's go back to the shack." Drez led the three off the balcony.

Stephen looked over the edge at the machine but reeled back at the image before him, "So are we just going to ignore the fact we just killed someone? Guys?" Stephen rushed out after them.


"All I wanted was something greater, and they... they took it away from me! I will have my vengeance! Although perhaps this new form will prove useful in that regard. Yes... They left me for dead! Well, now I am death!"

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