Chapter 11: Back to plot

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The machine was your standard death-mech. Is there a standard death-mech? If there was, it would be Andre's machine. It stood fairly high. High enough so Andre's cockpit was out of reach. In place of arms were two cannons, each one fired energy beams like a shot gun. The mech itself was painted red with no identifiable insignia. It was very durable, able to withstand multiple impacts without a dent. On the back was a containment tube, clearly designed to contain Stephen or Chico for further "research" later. Oddly, there was also a hatch on the back that seemed to have no obvious purpose. It wasn't even anywhere near the cockpit.

"Ah, #45! So glad you could join us." Andre chuckled before firing the guns.

Stephen and Chico dodged the attack while Paz used the distraction to strike the mech. Not a dent.

"Naughty, naughty." Andre noticed Paz and gave her a rather powerful kick, injuring her.

"Paz!" Chico tried to rush to her friend's side. Unfortunately, this left her guard down and Andre capitalised, changing one of the guns into an arm and grabbing the young girl.

"Back off, you two. Unless you want your little friend hurt, of course." Andre used Chico as a shield. 

There was no alternative. Paz was injured and Andre knew what Stephen was capable of. They backed down.

"As I thought." With no warning, Andre shot all three of them and the world went black...


"You're not dead, you know." As Stephen regained consciousness, he recognised Melody's voice beckoning him back to reality.

"Wha..." The boy's head was still a bit fuzzy.

"Andre hit you guys with some sort of concussive blast and then took off. Weird, come to think of it. Drez tried to help but, well, he's still out."

"It makes sense why he wouldn't kill us but why not kidnap me or Chico?"

"Beats me. We should probably get you all inside and make sure there's no permanent damage."

As the group entered the shack, Andre watched from a distance, chuckling. He spoke to himself as he wrote notes, "Project: Birdie is now entering it's final stages. All that's left to do is wait for the signal."

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