Chapter 18: ...Night crawls forth

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The slow, steady breathing of the creature that was once Stephen filled the room as the sparks dissipated. It remained motionless, hunched over on the floor, doing nothing.

Cosmos slammed his hands on the console in front of him, "Ha ha! I told you you'd see it my way." An accomplished smile spread across his 'face' revealing rows of sharp teeth. "I like to introduce you to my latest creation. With but a fraction of my own energy, I have turned your friend into a being of pure chaos. I call it... Nightshade! Nightshade knows only death and lacks compassion. It obedient only to m-"

Cosmos' voice was replaced by the sound of strangling as Nightshade had clamped its hand around his neck, unwavering in its stance.

"Stupid... beast!" Cosmos' strangled cries came, "I... created you... Bow down before... YOUR CREATOR!"

Nightshade did not respond but its glowing purple eyes bore into Cosmos. He only saw release when Nightshade was restrained by Chico's powers. It was frightening. There was no response. No sudden movements. Not even a twinge of a surprise at being unexpectedly heaved into the air. It only stared. It stared at the three heroes, leaving its imprint into their minds.

Cosmos had fled, obviously in contemplation of how his plan failed and how to fix it next time. He still had his power crystal and, with it, he was still a threat at large.

"There! That should keep him for a while." Chico had managed to place Nightshade in a nearby containment vessel.

"We should move, that won't hold him for long." Paz ordered.

"We can't leave him." Chico pleaded.

"There's nothing we can do for him at the moment and if he gets out, none of us will leave here alive." Drez added.

With sorrow for the loss of their friend, Chico saw what her friends meant and retreated. As they left, loud banging could be heard. By the time they got back the shack, Nightshade was surely free.

Stephen's loss hit the trio hard but they vowed to get their friend back...



Stephen awoke. He felt... odd to say the least. A bad odd. His head hurt and he had no idea where he was. Becoming aware of his situation, what he could see frightened him. People were running screaming... from him! What was he doing? 

He tried to move but couldn't. He tried to speak but couldn't. He tried to close his eyes but couldn't.

He had no control of his body. People were dying by his hands. If they even were his hands anymore. They were just dark masses, intent on destruction.

It was as if Armageddon struck and Stephen was the one who unleashed it. Yet he sat, helplessly watching, as another soul was lost by his hands.


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