Chapter 1: Clichés ahead!

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"Awaken young one." a mysterious voice resonated in his head, "Wake up! I'm not getting any younger here!"

Upon being promptly jabbed by a stick, Stephen awoke in an room seemingly designed as a museum. There were paintings and tapestries on the walls. Four red pillars, tipped and footed with gold cornered the room. Despite it's impressive size though, it was rather... empty. The only feature Stephen took interest in was a sheet of cloth which covered up almost all of one of the walls.

Before him stood an old man, he wore a simple green robe and held in his hand a long walking stick that was slightly taller than himself. His face was concealed by his large eyebrows and even larger beard. He was almost comical in appearance.

"Good. You're awake. Welcome young one." Stephen was hesitant to respond, "I understand if you are sceptical about all this but I ask you listen to me. You are here because it is your time to learn the truth."

Noticing that this seemed a bit clichéd Stephen piped up, "Have I been lied to?"

"Not exactly," responded the man, "you just haven't been told it all. You are very special, did you know that? You are of a very special race of beings known as inter-dimensional beings."

"Inter-what now?"

"Inter-dimensional beings. You see, when things are created they use the energy of the universe. However, very miniscule amounts are left over so the universe stores these little pockets of excess energy but they cannot be stored forever. When the universe cannot contain anymore excess energy it accidently releases it, causing an irregular being to be created. These are known as inter-dimensional beings and you are one of them."

"So I'm the universe's biggest mistake?"

"In an essence, yes. This does grant you miraculous powers outside your own universe however. Such as the ability to travel between dimensions. Some inter-dimensional beings are even granted other abilities from the energy they are made from. In your case: elemental powers."

At this point Stephen was not only confused but slightly concerned about how much this man knew about him and what he was proposing, "What's next? A prophecy?"

"Funny you should ask that..." Stephen face palmed as the man grabbed the large cloth. Behind it was a large image, complied of tiny tiles. It showed a white figure, with an army behind him, charging towards a dark mass with beady red eyes. "This is the prophecy I foresaw. A warrior, garbed in white, will lead an army to confront the darkness that threatens to destroy everything. I believe you are that warrior." He handed Stephen what appeared to be a white spacesuit. "Put these on."

Stephen put the suit on over his clothes. It fit perfectly. "And what does this do?" Almost as if responding to his query, the helmet lit up in what appeared to be an example of the most sophisticated technology he had ever seen.

"This suit is not only the chosen clothing of the hero, it also enhances and controls your new powers." The old man smiled, "And it appears to suit you perfectly." Stephen was about to respond before another purple portal appeared behind him, "It appears your first adventure awaits. Please step forth."

Gingerly, Stephen did as commanded. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing that he'd done today.

"And remember," The old man told him as Stephen entered the portal, "The physics in other dimensions aren't the same as your own. Everybody is counting on your success."

"Well thanks, I guess." Stephen thanked the old man before entering the portal, curious to what lay ahead and the plot dump he had just been given.

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