Chapter 2 - I'm really hungry

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     Look at this fine piece of human. Even a messy hair like that is just so... okay I shouldn't fan girl too much lol anyways the cast are very typical but please bear with me!

I couldn't resist Francisco so I had to use him as a cast NO MATTER WHAT.


     I was infront of Big Boss with my back facing him while my hands were tied together with a handkerchief, "I don't know who you are but I'm about to find out" Big boss says in a deep voice. "Look here Big boss, can you just take me to a restaurant or a fast food place because I'm really hungry" I told him. Aren't you just dying of curiosity how I got into this mess? Well...

I was making a deal with Big Boss debating if I should take the money or not but in the end, I refused, "Let's just eat out instead" I say, dissasembling the pistol then dropping it to the ground which shocked the two of them, "Let's go to a Taco Shop. I'm really craving some Carne Asada right now. Hey Big boss can you call the Taco Shop and start ordering?" I ask.

"Big boss?" he questions.

"Oh right, it's the nickname I gave you."

Big boss just said whatever as he surprisingly went with the flow and nodded his head, tapping the screen of his iPhone.

"You're almost here? Great, just what I need" he says. My hand dramatically rest on my chest, "You lied to me!" I say but he didn't care and ran to me as I instinctively ran away too. He was fast and I was slow but because I considered it like a tag, I kept dodging his attempt to catch me, "Hahaha Big boss you're not so tough are you?" I laugh, continuing to run without a single hint of exhaustion. What can I say? I have a good stamina.

"You're a fucking weirdo" he finally says a normal thing as I stop, causing him to accidentally bumped into me while we both fall on the grass, "You're a fan of me are you?" I ask since our position was a little inappropriate but I can't believe at times like this I can joke around. "You're too beautiful to just be a high school student" he smirks at me, holding my chin and slightly lifting it.

"Don't you think this little girl you're abusing right now is too adorable to kill?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck. He just stares into my eyes and raise a brow, "I really can't tell when you're serious or not" he admit and soon hops off me when he noticed cars coming.

"Oh is our ride here? Finally, I've been wanting to eat" I say, rubbing my stomach in a circular motion. Just as I was about to take another step, all the men came out of the car and pointed their gun at me. Oh freak.

Big boss had his arms cross from the back while smirking then he grabs both of my wrist and ties it with a handkerchief as I was now in front of Big Boss with my back facing him while my wrist were tied together with a handkerchief, "I don't know who you are but I'm about to find out" Big boss says in a ominous, threatening voice. "Look here Big boss, can you just take me to a restaurant or a fast food place because I'm really hungry" I told him but he didn't listen as he just pushes me inside a car.

Let's just make one thing clear before I start something. I hate silence and awkwardness.

"I'm really hungry" I tap on Big Boss's shoulder. He continues to ignore me until my stomach growls really loudly causing him to look at me, "So you really just wantd to eat out" he mutters before calling someone on the phone and ordering carne asada fries, "I also want horchata!" I place both my hands on his shoulder, excited, "And some quesdillia too!" I added on.

He didn't even have to restate the order because I was already heard, "Jack, pick up the food and drop it to my offi- wait how did you get out?" Big boss looks at my wrist and the handkrechief that was resting on the floor, "Magic" I told him, adding some cool gestures with my hands. He didn't question it further knowing he won't get anything from me so he just ignores me the rest of the way.

"I'm hungry, are we there yet?" I ask, after a couple of seconds the car fell silent.

No answer.

"Big boss I'm hungry!" I whined

"Big bosssssssss" I whined again.

"Shut up!" he yells at me sice he was trying to sleep.

"No- fine if you give me some brownies" I say, spotting the brownies at the corner. "What? We don't have- Ohhh you mean that? Well... If you promise to shut the hell up" Big boss smirked as I nodded my head like a puppy.

He grabs a brownie from the corner and hands it to me as I eat it gracefully, "This is so-" I spit out the brownie, "Bad! Why the heck do you have a weed brownie here?!" I yell, putting the brownie back to the plate but the car had stop causing me to fall back down on my seat.

"Out." he demands and I did get out because my butt was tired of sitting down. As we made our way in front of a very tall building, my stomach growls loudly again. "I feel like throwing up" I gauge but it was just me being dramatic again. I mean, I have survived a week without eating anything.

We made our way at the very top of the floor as Jack was there with my precious food waiting for me to devour it. I ran to my food and immedietly ate whatever was in front of me which was the quesidillas. "Let's see who you really are" Big boss say, sitting across from me and opening his laptop. "Jack, find information about this girl. Her address, relatives, education level" Big boss orders Jack as he left the room.

"You won't find much about me" I told him casually, taking another big bite of my wonderful quesdilla. It was so great. The moment was so great. So so great until I started choking.

Big boss looked at me annoyingly as he just shook his head in disbelief while I grab my horchata and hurriedly drink it.

"Oh so you're really just a high school girl" he tells me, "then tell me Cinder, why were you at the park?" he questions me. His chin was resting on his palm, ready to judge my answer wether I was going to lie or not.

"Do I really need a reason? That's a park Big boss. I should be asking you that instead. Why are you killing someone at the park?" I ask, this time enjoying my carne asada. I clench my fist at how sweet yet salty the sauce was.

"I was doing my business there until that lady eavesdropped on us" he responds, "that's your responsibility. I mean who discuss an important matter at a park? Obviously it's weird to have a handsome man like you to be alone with another man at the back of the bathroom. You were with a man right?"

"You see, if I were to talk about that matter in a building where there's camera's then it would be over for me. This person who I really hate has access to the camera's everywhere"

"Tch tch tch Big boss,"I shake my head at him, "did you know the camera at the street outside the park can still see you from the back of the bathroom?" I say, halfway done with the carne asada.

"What?!" he slams his hand on the table causing me to flinch and look up at him, "Gesh you scared me. Sit down will you?"

He ignores me and dials on the table phone, "Alex, hack the camera for the one near the park and delete the recordings" he demands. But as for me, I was just sitting down and enjoying the food for all I care.

"Who are you?" he questions me.


Question of the chapter!

What do you think about Cinder?

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