Chapter 19 - If I never existed

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     "What are we going to talk about?" Big boss take a small sip of his soda. I inhale deeply and thought about Llama's to calm myself down but at the same time, Llama's reminded me of my father.

I love him but I hate him. He was pure but he became corrupted.

"You know Big boss. Everyone is always nice at first," I started, "that also includes Marcom"

Big boss face change as he listens intently to me. It was as if my whole presence disappeared from his sight and all he cared about was Marcom.

"He was a good man at first but after he found my mom doing it with another man I guess you can say that's when he started becoming crazy. I was only around six that time and he already forced me to become a spy so I went through all the harsh training and almost died but luckily I didn't. That was just the beginning though. He soon created the 'code' that you guys are so obsessed about and because he held so much power, he killed people so easily. On the day of my fifteenth birthday, I was going to kill him... I was so close to killing him but a devil appeared out of nowhere and shot him in front of me"

That memory sent a shiver through my spine as I wish to not even remember it. But reality is harsh and it's something I must face. It was at the moment when my father died that I realize what I have been doing.

I look down at the table and guilt was starting to form inside my stomach. Why was I going to kill him? He was still my father. I'm practically corrupted myself since I tried to solve the situation by killing him.

"Cinder" Big boss calls out my name softly as he slides his big palm on my cheeks, "I killed your father" he says. The moment he said that, I instinctively back away from his touch. I didn't mean to. I resented the man who killed my horrible father but how can I hate him now that I found out it's Big boss?

"W-was it because he killed your sister?" I stuttered, beginning to fear Big boss.

"No, he wasn't the one who killed my sister. My reason for killing him is pretty much the same as yours. Someone had to stop his killing spree"

The moment he said 'sister' cause me to smile sadly. That's right, I shouldn't be afraid of him. He just loved his sister so much.

"I'm sorry... If I never did that..." I whispered, clenching my fist in guilt. Because of me, a lot of people died. Because of me, everyone is scarred. Because of me, everything changed. I can't turn back time anymore. Everything is my fault and it affected so many people.

"It's okay. I'm more saddened about what he made you go through. You almost died because of the training" he says while inching his face closer.

"But I didn't die because of-"

I was cut off when our  lips slowly made contact. I think it was our third kiss that we shared and I felt butterflies in my stomach. It sounds cliché but who would've thought that I'd be experiencing this cliché feeling.

His lips were rough and he tasted like orange crush. Soon I found myself kissing him deeply. Since when did I learn how to kiss?

"Cinder wait" Big boss pulls away, staring at me hungrily but I pulled him closer to me again and kissed him with all my strength. Being the hungry wolf he is, he lifts me up by my waist as I found myself sitting down on my kitchen counter. His kisses went from my lips to my neck while he trailed down lower.

When his fingertips slides through my thigh, I immediately thought of 'Angel'. If he loved someone else, then why is he doing such thing to me?

"What's wrong?" He says in a low voice.
"I can't... Y-you love someone else so you shouldn't.."
"Someone else? Since when did I ever love someone else?"
"Because... When you were sleeping, you said Angel"

He gawks at me with dumbfounded expression at first but the next moment, he was bursting out into laughter. At that same time, I thought, "Wow he can laugh too"

"But Big boss. I almost died because of the code." I told him in a serious expression. All the scary memories were flowing back in my mind.

"What?" His laughter dies down, the weighty atmosphere surfacing again. "I almost died because of the code" I repeated but he didn't respond so I kept going, "I thought that my father would stop with his crazy stuff if he got everything so I infiltrated the white house and negotiated with the senators. Then I infiltrated the US military to negotiate with the commander. But when the senators found out about my negotiations with the military, they broke of our deal so I had no choice but to hold the president as a hostage. Inside the white house."

I even almost died from that. I deserve to die.

He stares at me blankly, unsure of what to say. I mean who would know what to say after a high school girl like me told you an unbelievable story. Plus what kind of girl can just infiltrate the white house? Insane right?

"Wait so you're saying that you created the code?" He looks at me with a horrible expression.
"Yes. I'm sorry I know it's my fault that all-" I started and rested my hand on his firm back but he pulls away, "Don't touch me." He says harshly, my heart breaking to pieces.

I understand that it was my fault. I understand that his sister is dead because of me. I understand that all this is happening because of me. I understand. But why can't my heart understand?

"Wait Sea-" I was chasing after him when he left my apartment but he yells angrily at me.


With that said, I was frozen from my spot, unable to move. His voice was so demanding that my body obeyed his commands, "I'm sorry..." I cried.

If I never existed.



Well, pls look forward to the next chapter! ^_^

I have a quiz tomorrow and a test next Friday and finals the week after the test so pls wish me luck.

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