Extra chapter - Geez what's wrong with him

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     I tried my best avoiding the sun rays because I felt as if once the sun ray would make contact with my skin, I would melt.

Even though I am already wearing a two piece bikini that reveals my curves, being under the umbrella at the beach does not help at all.

"It's sooooooo hot! I want ice cream Big boss!" I tell him while he ignored me and continue relaxing.

Fine you're going to ignore me?

"It's so hot... Can you put sunscreen on my back?" I ask him seductively while taking out the bikini strap and lay down.

He slightly remove his glasses and stare at me for a very long time with an expression I could not read until he finally decides to do what I asked.

"When did you learn how to do that?" He ask while putting sunscreen on my back.

"Do what?" I sent him a smirk but he simply squeezed my butt when I did that, "Don't ever show that kind of expression to others you hear me?" Says Big boss while furrowing his eyebrows.

Geez what's wrong with him.

After putting sunscreen on, I tied my bikini and ran to the water thinking Big boss would come along too but he didn't, "Big boss come h-" I started but I tripped on literally nothing causing me to fall harshly on the ground.

My eye became teary considering how I was not wearing any clothes to protect me from the floor but a man helped me up, "You good? Looks like you ate shit" says he as I accepted his offer of hand.

When I got up, he snakes his hand around my waist while I tense up. It was the first time a man other than Big boss touching my bare waist, "I'm good now. You don't have to help me" I tell him uncomfortably. At the same time, Big boss appeared and smack the mans hand away.

"Sorry but can you not touch her?" Says Big boss, grabbing my wrist and pulling me so that I was now besides him.

"Are you her boyfriend or something?" The man says.

Look their fighting over you.

Shut up, Big boss just doesn't like his property being touched by strangers.

Oh so you admit that you're his property.

No! I mean like he's my boyfriend so... Agh, don't talk to me and stay quiet gosh.

"That's right. So back off, I don't like others touching what's mine"

"Ha. You're so obsessive man. You think chicks nowadays like your type? Nah they don't. They prefer someone like me who's a bad boy and good in bed"

"I'm sure I'm better in bed. Besides, the ladies would prefer my face wouldn't they"

The man clenched his fist, ready to start a fight until his pals appeared. There were about five of them as I assumed their girlfriends were at the sidelines watching.

"You wanna start a fight pretty boy?" The man says, walking up to face to face with Big boss.

"I doubt you five could take me down"

With that said, the man did start a fight as he was the one who threw a punch first. From the looks of it, Big boss was clearly enjoying the fight since he was simply dodging the attacks without hitting back.

"Hey, you're that mans girlfriend right? Why is our boyfriend fighting over you?"

"Yeah. Who do you think you are trying to seduce other people's boyfriend"

"Just because you have a pretty face"

Three girls confronted me while I sigh mentally, "I'm sorry to say but apparently your boyfriend(s) approached me first" I tell them.

"Are you saying he's cheating on me?! You crazy bitch!" The ladies started a fight, ready to grab my hair.

Oh my this seems relatively familiar.

The three chipmunks.

"Ah! They're like Bernadette and them" I told myself while allowing my hair to be pulled by the females, "Hey now according to the law-" I started but was cut off when the girls talked over me.

"I hate you! I hate you!" They say as we all spin in a circle helplessly. The crowd around us slowly became big.

Why do you always get cut off when you say something about the law?

"That's what I'd like to know!" I raised my voice, ready to pull away from their grip but Big boss stopped us instead.

"Geez Big boss, look at the mess you did" I tell him while fixing my hair that had been a mess. When I look over to the boys, they were defeatedly standing still while helplessly glaring at Big boss.

"They needed to know who you belonged to. But anyways, why didn't you fight back? Now you have a scratch on your cheek" he gently wipes my cheek with his thumb while showing a worried expression that made my heart burst a million times over.

"What's wrong?" He ask softly, cupping my cheeks while placing his forehead with mine. As he did that, I felt my cheeks burn more, "N-nothing much" I lied.

He seemed to have noticed what I was thinking considering his worried expression had turned into an arrogant look, "Was I too cool?" He ask me while looking away.

While he tease me softly, his moist lips was placed over mine. But I immediately snap back to reality when I heard whistles and cheering around us, "Get a room you two!" Someone yelled among the crowd.

I have totally forgotten about the people. Some had their phones out probably to record us or even take a picture. Just like last time at the cafe, it happened again at the beach. Seriously, we're like celebrities with paparazzi following us.

Big boss holds my hand and stomps away while everyone continued to cheer from the distance. Once we were far away, I paced myself with him, "You were cool" I mumbled, barely audible since saying it out loud made me feel embarrassed in certain ways.

He simply stares at me with a questioning look but gladly did not ask me to repeat anything. And with an admirable silence, we walk around the beach hand in hand while the sun in the horizon began to set.

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