Chapter 15 - Gosh they're so extra

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I was inside McDonald's slurping on strawberry shake. The taste of the strawberry was so natural that I found myself dreaming. I could explain this in a thousand words of how great my shake was but the situation with Big boss is more important.

Well, who would've thought that my kidnapper would be spilling all his dark past. It kinda excites me.

"Go ahead, you start first" I hummed happily, imaginary flowers and butterflies were floating around me. I was that excited for some unknown reason.

Big boss reluctantly began to speak, "It started eight years ago when I was on a mission to kill that bastard Marcom. The original plan was to actually kill him in secret but somehow, he found out about our plan. So when I was at his company, a war broke between my father's men and his men. But what I never knew was that he wasn't there and is actually at my actual rented condo"

I felt myself turn cold as I clench my fist tightly. My smile had long faded once he mentioned that name. A name I dare not even say.

"I rushed to my condo but when I arrived, the place was a mess and my sister disappeared. I soon got a call and told me she was being held hostage so without thinking, I barged in at the place. From there, Marcom was sitting next to my sister who was tied up in a chair and naked. That bastard, he... He raped her" there were tears starting to form on his eyes and I couldn't help but wipe them away for him.

A phone call was suddenly heard between us and I know it wasn't mine since I had a nokia phone, "I'll be back" Zero said, coughing couple times to clear his voice. He stood up and stood at the corner of the café while I was biting my straw in silence. Just thinking deeply about his harsh story until someone interrupted my thoughts.

"It's been a while Cinder!" Nathaniel sat in front of me with his hood and glasses on while handing me a unicorn Frappuccino, "W-where did you get this beautiful drink?!" I clap my hands together and smiled brightly, forgetting all about the sadness that formed inside my thoughts.

You have no idea how rare the unicorn drink was. Even though the taste can't beat the vanilla bean frappe, I still loved the unicorn because it's a unicorn. It would've been better if it was a Llama flavored drink though.

"You can have it" Nathaniel smiled as I rushed to drink the frappe. Just as expected, the sweet taste bounced on my tongue as I felt myself float in happiness once again. I kept drinking until I was halfway done, "Y-you when are-" Nathaniel's voice was cut off when my sight became blurry and his voice becoming distorted. I looked over to Big boss but he was still busy with his phone call.

Geez who could he be talking to for him to take that long.

Wait no I shouldn't be thinking about that at the moment.

"I got carried away" I mumbled to myself, trying to sort myself out but it was impossible. That unicorn frappe was drugged twice as strong as the usual drugs. Dammit, out of all the days why now?! I was so close to knowing more about Big boss and this guy really just gets in the way.

"Goodnight princess" I heard him say with a weird distorted voice though I still understood it.

"Goodnight my as-" I attempted on lightly slapping him but before my palm could make any contact with that annoying bird face of his, my eyes shut tight and I fell onto the arms of that bird.


The room was dim, the walls were torn and old, and most of all, I HATED the smell of the place. The smell of blood mix with urine. How disgusting, "Get me out of here already! I hate the smell!" I yelled, struggling to break free from the ropes.

I knew it would be pointless on escaping because my arms were double tied along with my ankle and waist.

Gosh they're so extra.

Nathaniel and Ron appeared in front of me with a pistol on their hand, "Oops, that looks dangerous" I whispered to myself as they open the bars.

"Tell me where the code is and I'll let you go" Ron pointed his gun at me. His attitude different from our last meeting.

"How about you get me out of this room and let's settle this matter elsewhere" I suggested but he pointed his gun closer to my forehead thinking that would make me talk. Well you're wrong honey, the more you threaten me, the more I'm going to resist you.

"Get me out of here and I'll tell you what you want to know" I said, glaring at Ron to shake him up but he only flinch.

"Make her talk" Ron ordered Nathaniel as he left the unknown place. To my guess, I was probably being held at the torture room. It was a place for people like me who doesn't talk or a place for someone who is being punished. Horrible right? But it wasn't my first time being in a place like this.

Nathaniel spun me around and smack the back of the chair with a whip causing it to break and make contact with my back. He hit me again with the whip, though this time it was more painful. Shit, being absent from missions really does put me at disadvantages.

At least I had a unicorn frappe before I die.

"Sorry princess but I really wanna hear you scream. Come on, don't hold back your scream. Let out all the pain" my ass.

At least I can manage enough for me to at least not scream in agony.

"Nathaniel, I don't get you. You're so nice but you're so mean" I said, causing him to stop hitting me. Just as planned, he gave me a confused expression and dropped the whip on the ground so I took that chance to put all my power on my feet and jumped backwards on him.

the bottom of the chair hit his jaw causing him to blackout so before he wakes up again, I used his knife and cut the rope on my wrist as quickly my body could do. Once I freed myself, I look for a way out. Well I pretty much just followed the hallway since there were no turns or other doors.

"Bingo" I told myself, ready to make a way out of the punishment room. Opening the door, what awaited me was a total nightmare. I was at the very bottom of the building and seeing that I have to walk all the way up made me tired already.

"This is such a pain" I groaned as I unwillingly began to run up the stairs.

Little did I know what awaited behind at the very top.



So I've been thinking if I should take AP Physics or AP psychology.

Question of the chapter:

What's your two favorite emoji?

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