Chapter 9 - A girl shouldn't be doing crazy stuff

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They are an important being that exist in my life because they were my only memories left. Happy memories. I loved them for a long long time and still do.

I remember when I was younger I witness a Llama spit on another Llama from literally eight feet away. I tug on my father's jeans and pointed at them from almost more than ten feet away, "Daddy why did that ugly animal spit on the uglier animal?" I ask my dad in the most high-pitched, innocent voice. My face had a confused look written all over as I was dying of curiosity.

"That animal  right there is a female Llama. She uses that behavior to tell the other Llama that she's not interested in his advances" he explains. My mother, who appeared from the distance, came and held an ice cream in her pale, slender hand. She hands me one as her and my dad shares, "Are you telling her some Llama stories again?" She laughs.

"So the girl doesn't like the boy?" I ask, my expression fell. My dad pats my head and laughs, "My child, it is merely the first step to love. You see when I-" my father started but my mother elbowed him to shut up.

I sent them both a laugh as I raised my arms in the air, "I think I love Llama's now!"

I lowered the gun and laugh at the funny memory replaying in my head. "Oh god my dad started this" I tell myself, throwing the gun from the distance and falling on the floor from laughter. When I realized I was being dramatic, I stood up from my spot and cleared my throat, "uhmmm.... So that's me when I'm serious?" I said randomly, trying to get rid of the intensity.

I didn't wait for his answer and began helping the men who was shot by my hands. The first thing I did was rip a part of their clothing and tie it around their wound to at least stop the excessive bleeding. "Take these men to the hospital" I ordered the man as he nods his head.

He reaches over to the phone slowly but his eyes never left me, "C-call the doctor" he stutters.

"Hey what's your name?" I question.

"Ron" he replies instantly.

"So Ron, my name is Cinder. It's nice to meet you but I wish we had a better way of greeting each other" I shrug my shoulders.

It was awkward for us until the doctors came and personally checked each one of them. Apparently, this company had it's own doctor(s).

It was when at the same exact moment that Big boss appeared from the door, breathing heavily. Jack soon appeared behind him as another man followed behind Jack.

Big boss notices the people all over the floor as he rushes his way to Ron. He grabs him by his collar and hissed at him, "What the hell did you do to her?!"

Ron looks away and shuts his eyes, "S-she did those to them!" He says. Big boss drops him and stares at me in shock, "uhmm.... Magic?" I smiled sheepishly at him.  Fidgeting my fingers.

"Im taking her back" was all he said to Ron before grabbing me and dragging me towards outside. I forcefully stop Big boss and look back at Ron, "I'm truly sorry about your father. But, I'm not the person from the past and I won't kill anybody without a reason anymore. I will think more deeply about my actions"

When the four of us came outside, the sun has fell already and darkness has risen. There was no stars visible considering the amount of street lights. There were many tall buildings and many people walking. It was fascinating how there were less cars than America. Or at least where I lived.

There was an intense silence inside the car as I found myself mute. The atmosphere was so heavy that it kept my mouth from talking about Llama's. It only lasted for a while until we arrived at a hospital. When we came inside, Big boss was speaking to the doctor with an unknown language and takes me inside a room. It was only then that I realized I was shot and felt the painful bullets.

The doctor treated my wound and surprisingly didn't question the bullet shot from my arm, "A girl shouldn't be doing crazy stuff" the old man says, adjusting the lamp to have a better view of my injury.

He closes my wound while I cussed everyone and everything out inside my head. The injury was extremely painful to the point where a tear left my eyelids. Who would've thought that years absent from crazy stuff can bring me back to zero again.

Once we head out, my stomach silently cried as I was the only one who could hear it.

"So... I haven't eaten yet" I said through the cold silence between the four of us. Big boss nods his head signaling me that he heard me. The two men at the back took out their phone as Siri spoke, "Continue walking straight"

We followed Siri's directions and eventually arrived at a restaurant minutes after. The building consisted of letters I didn't understand and went inside anyway. The fresh smell of an unknown food traveled up my nostrils as I felt myself beginning to crazily starve. Everyone was chatting happily when we came inside as a lady led us to a seat.

Once we sat down, Big boss ordered food for us. I was depressed that I couldn't even lay a single finger on the menu but I pushed the childish emotion away and appreciated what I have. When the food arrived, my eyes lit up and my jaw was on the floor.

The food seemed rich and fancy. Even the arrangement was perfect itself. I immediately help myself some and was about to bite but Big boss spoke, "How did you kill those people?" He questions me, the other two men was also staring. Curious about my answer.

"Have you forgotten? I will only tell the rest of the story when we're at Mcdonalds" I smile at him, then taking a bite of the unknown food.

I clench my fist at how mysteriously great the soup was. I felt as if I was in Lala land. Lala? As in Llama Land? Woah. Did I just.... I need to stop.

Once we finished, Big boss grab a taxi, separately from Jack and the other guy as I wonder where the cab was headed to, "Where are we going?" I ask.

"New York" he responds, "it's where my company really is"

"But my school..."

"How can you think about your school in this position?"

"And how can I not think about school when that's all I have for the future"

"Then I can be your fu-"

Big boss started but stopped himself from finishing his sentence further, realizing what he almost said. I tilted my head to the right and had an imaginary question mark above my head, "fu? What were you going to say?"

He shakes his head and look at the tinted car window. I bothered him the whole twenty-minute ride on the way to the Airport but he just ignores me and pretended I was never there.

I wonder if my future will be okay. I never expected to be caught up in this type of situation.

Life is indeed a twist.


I'm so happy someone likes my story! I feel like my life is complete now.

Question of the chapter:

Y'all know the song Lady Marmalade?

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