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"I'll be fine. I promise." I say to my mother for the millionth time today.

"I'm just worried, honey. You're going all the way to Seoul." My mother says.

"I'll call you when I get to the dorm, alright." I say reassuringly.

"My friend knows she's coming so it's alright." my brother says and my mom nods and kisses my forehead before handing me my bag.

I wave goodbye as I get onto the subway.

As of today I, Y/n L/n, would be living with my brothers friend and his six other pals.

Now, you may be asking why in the hell am I moving into a small dorm with seven guys but the real question here is, why not.

I need a place to live and when my brother asked they were up for the idea so of course I'd take this opportunity.

Let's just see how this goes.
After the train ride I finally made it to Seoul and to the dorm.

I stood outside for a moment before knocking onto the door.

I waited a couple seconds and then the door opened revealing a short man with black hair.

"Y/n, right? " He asks and I give a small nod and smile.

"Come in." he says as he moves to the side.

I walk in and see six other guys sitting around in the living room.

"Guys, this is Y/n." The man who answered the door says.

"Wow, she's a lot cuter than I thought!" A guy with brown hair pushed behind a bandana says.

"Nice to meet you." a guy with dark brown hair says as he smiles in my direction.

"You too." I say.

"Before you came we figured out sleeping arrangements and you're gonna be sharing a room with Taehyung and Namjoon." My brothers friend, Yoongi, says.

"If you don't mind that is." The same guy who said nice to meet you says.

"I don't. " I say which makes the guy in the bandana smile.

"Then I'll show you to the room! " He says cheerfully as he takes my bags and heads for a room.

When we get into the room I see two beds covered in clothes and then a bed with nothing on it at all.

Good thing I brought a bed comforter set.

"You can get settled in and I'll get you when food is ready." Taehyung says then leaves.

I turn and start to set up my bed.

In the end my bed was all nice and neat and I had put all of my clothes into the open drawers.

I sat down on my bed and pulled out my phone to text my mother that I had gotten here safely.

She of course proceeded to ask me a bunch of questions but I told her I had to go as Taehyung came to get me for dinner.
"Eat up! Eat as much as you'd like." Jin smiles as he pushes a bowl of rice into my hands.

"Thank you." I bow and sit down at the table beside Jungkook.

"Is it good?" Jin asks after I take my first bite.

"It is. Thank you." I say as I continue to eat.

"I'm glad you like it. Usually I'm the only one who cooks." He says.

"I don't mind helping." I say and he smiles.

"That would be great, thank you." he says and I nod and continue to eat.

We make small talk and afterwards we head to the living room to chill.

"How long have you known my brother?" I ask as I turn my head in the direction of Yoongi.

"A couple of years? I met him in school on my very last year." he says and I nod.

"Did he ever bring up having a sister?" I ask.

"Probably. I never paid much mind to it." Yoongi says and I nod understanding.

"How old are you by the way?" Namjoon asks.

"Twenty." I say.

"Ah so you're around our age. That's good." He says and I nod.

"Well we're glad you're here. You seem like a nice and cool person." Jimin smiles at me and I smiled too.

What? He was adorable.

"I like you already." I smile in his direction and he gets all shy.

"Awe don't like Jimin-sshi. Like me if anything." Taehyung pouts and I laugh and smile up in his direction.

"Well we'll be sharing a room. There's plenty of time for us to be friends." I say and I hear a couple of the guys chuckle.

"You'll be happy here. I'll make sure all of us become friends so you feel comfortable. " Jin smiles and I thank him and smile too.

They all seemed like cool people and I liked the idea of being friends with them.

"Let's get some rest. We can hang out tomorrow." Namjoon says and I nod and follow him and Taehyung to our room.
When we get inside I sit down on my bed as they sit on theirs.

"We're happy you're here." Taehyung says randomly and I smile a bit.

"I'm happy to be here. I haven't heard much about you guys from my brother but I feel like it'll be cool to get to know you guys little by little." I smile.

"Awe she's so cute!" Taehyung chirps.

"Thank you." I grin.

"Goodnight you two." Namjoon laughs as he turns the lamp beside his bed off and turns over on his side to sleep.

He seemed nice enough.

"Well goodnight Y/n! Sleep well! " Taehyung grins as he lays down on his bed and turns over to sleep.

I turn the lamp off and lay down too.

Today was a long day and now I wanted to sleep.

Tomorrow would be a new day and I'd have time to get to know them.

All I know about them so far is that Yoongi knows my brother and he's chill, Jimin is super sweet and I definitely want to be good friends with him.

Taehyung is hella adorable and cheerful, Hoseok is cheerful and a ball of sunshine, Namjoon is chill and laid back, Jungkook is quiet and cool, Jin is a mom and lastly and most importantly, they're all hot as fuck.

I love it here already.

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