T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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•Taehyung's pov•

"It was nice seeing you mom and tell Dad I'm sad we couldn't stay till he got home but we'll come visit another time.

"I'll call you later!" Y/n calls out as we make our way out of her front door.

"Now, to my house!" I say and Y/n smiles and mumbles an okay.

I was still shocked over the fact that Y/n and I knew each other when we were younger.

I thought I'd remember meeting her back then but I guess I was wrong.

Small world huh.

When we arrive at my house I take Y/n's small hand in mine then head inside.

"Honey is that- Taehyung!" My mom says as she runs to me and wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

"Hey Mom." I smile as I hug back.

I really don't get to see my family much and so seeing my mother right now really meant a lot to me.

"Oppa!" I hear and turn my head to see my little sister running at me full speed.

"Hey I missed you!" I smile as I gather her in my arms and spin her around a little then lift her up onto my shoulders.

"You've gotten so big." I say and she giggles and rests her hands on my head.

"Hyung you're home!" My little brother yells as runs to me and clings to my leg.

I laugh and pat his head.

"I didn't think you'd be coming home. I didn't prepare anything for you and your friend." My mother says with a small smile as she glances over at Y/n.

I had gotten so caught up in the moment I had almost forgotten she was here.

"Mom this is my girlfriend Y/n." I say and my mother smiles.

"Nice to meet you." my mom says.

"It's nice to meet you too." Y/n says with a friendly smile.

"You're pretty." my sister says and Y/n smiles up at her.

"Thank you. You are too." Y/n says then leans down to my brother at my feet.

"It's nice to meet you too." She says and my little brother shys away which makes all of us laugh a little.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend." My mom says after a minute.

"I'm surprised. It was everywhere on the internet." I say and her eyebrows raise.

"Was it bad?" She asks.

"Well we did have some problems occur but everything is good now." I say and smile over at Y/n who smiles back.

"Well I'm glad nothing bad happened." My mother says.

"Me too. I couldn't deal with it if something happened to Y/n." I say and my mothers features seem to soften as she glances from me to Y/n.

"You two look so cute together." She says and Y/n blushes a little.

"Thank you." She says and my mother gives me a smile.

"I should cook you guys something." my mom says.

"It's okay mom, really. We ate at Y/n's." I say.

"Oh. Alright. You two should come visit again sometime when your father's home and we can go out to some restaurant." my mother says and I nod.

"For now just tell me all about how you two met!"
Your pov•

Tae's mom really want a kind hearted person.

No wonder Tae's heart was huge, he got it all from his mother.

I smile as I watch Tae playing with his little siblings.

He seemed to be really great with kids and it was adorable.

He would make a good father one day.

I wonder if Tae and I will become serious with each other and chose to get married and have children.

I don't want to make any plans seeing as we're both still relatively young and things could change but I really didn't want to think about that.

As of right now I was happy.

Happier than I had been in a long time and that was all thanks to Tae.

I really do love him with all of my heart.

"We should probably get going soon so we can make it home before it's too late." Tae announces.

"We don't want you to go!" His brother pouts as he flings himself at Tae.

"I know buddy but I promise to come visit real soon okay." Tae says and the two kids hug him and tell him how much they love him.


"It was nice meeting you. Take care of my son for me alright. Make sure he eats proper meals and gets the rest he needs." Tae's mother says as she pulls me into a hug.

"Of course." I smile and hug back.

When I pull back I see Tae's little sister standing in front of me with open arms.

I smile and pick her up to hug her.

"You make Oppa happy. Please love him very much." She whispers in my ear.

"Okay." I say and she pulls back and sticks her pinky out.

"Pinky promise." she says and I stick my pinky out and connect mine with hers.

"I promise." I announce as we press our thumbs together.

When I set her down she joins her mother's side then Tae walks towards me and grabs onto my hand, lacing his fingers with mine.

"I'll text you next time in advance." Tae says and his mom laughs a little.

"Okay that way I can situate things." she says and he nods and looks down at me.

"Ready to go?" He asks.

"Mhm." I say and we wave goodbye before heading out.

"They're so sweet. I like them." I smile to myself.

"I knew you would." he says and I glance up at him and then back out in front of me.

"You know now is the moment you've been dreading, right?" I ask and when he doesn't say anything I look up to see him biting his lip and I laugh a little.

"Don't worry babe, everything will go fine." I say and he looks down at me and smiles a little.

"Of course it will. I'll hold your hand the whole time and keep giving you kisses so that he knows you're​ my girlfriend." Tae says and I laugh at his jealousness and tug him forwards.

How cute.


A/n: As you may or may not know I posted on my message board announcing that after this story I'm gonna be taking a break from writing. You can go read it for more information on that but just to inform you, there's only two chapters of this story left!!

I hope you're enjoying it so far !!!

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