T W E N T Y - S I X

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Finally we arrive at the place they're going to be performing at tonight and I was actually very excited.

I was excited to see them perform and I was excited to cheer them on as they did so.

"Have fun! I'll be here when you get back." I say and the guys smile at me before going out on stage.

I was able to watch their performance from the dressing room and as I watched it all I could think about was how proud I am of them.

They really do go through a lot to be this amazing.

I mean have you seen their dancing? It's incredible.

After almost two hours the guys came back into the dressing room.

Each of them​ were breathing heavily and were coated in sweat.

"Did you enjoy it?" Tae asks with a bright smile as he sits down beside me and starts to dab away at the sweat.

"I did, of course. You guys did amazing." I say and they all smile and thank me.

"I'm pretty sure we only have around five more stops and then we're going back to Korea for awhile." Jungkook says.

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Yeah. We get a little break before we have to start up again." Yoongi adds in.

"That must be nice. You get to go home and relax." I say.

"It is really nice actually. Sleeping in our own beds always feels amazing after being out on tour for this long." Namjoon says with a dreamy sigh which causes me to laugh a little.

"Well you guys deserve to rest. You've been doing such an amazing job on tour." I say.

"Thank you Y/n. That really means a lot." Jin says.

"I'm just saying the truth." I say.

"Isn't she the cutest?" Hoseok says and the guys agree.

"Yeah she really is adorable." Jin says.

"Of course she's hot. You're just now seeing this?" Jungkook says.

I look over at Tae to see him biting his tongue and not saying anything about the topic.

I knew he was getting jealous but we both knew the guys didn't mean any harm when they said this.

"Let's get back to the hotel. I'm tired and hungry." Tae finally speaks.

"Alright, let's go." Namjoon says and stands. The others follow his actions and we all gather our things and head out to the van.
"Can you order room service while I shower?" Tae asks.

"Of course." I reply and watch as he enters the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.

I walk over to the phone and order room service for the both of us.

I ordered a lot so that he could eat until he was full.

After tonight he deserved it. He did so well tonight and I was proud of him for it.
When he finally came out of the bathroom I smiled at how adorable he looked in his casual clothes consisting of a plain white T-shirt with black joggers.

"The food should be here soon." I announce just as he plops down on the bed.

"Good! I'm starving!" He whines.

"You did amazing tonight." I say and he moves his head to look at me.

"You think so?" He asks, a smile taking over his lips.

"I know so." I grin.

"Man I just want to kiss you right now." He says and I laugh.

"You know you can whenever." I say and he grins.

"Oh, I know." he says and I shake my head and move closer to him.

"I'm glad things are starting to die down a bit." I say and he lets out a breath.

"Me too. I couldn't stand seeing you so hurt over those comments. Even though none of them were true they shouldn't have said such hateful things to you." He says, now frowning.

"It's all in the past. I'm happy with our relationship and I won't let people ruin it." I say as I stare into his eyes.

"I love you so much." he says.

"Oh, I know." I giggle and stand just as there's a knock on the door.

When I open it a guy wheels in a huge table of food.

When I look over Tae is staring at it as if he's just randomly finding a billion dollars on the ground.

"Thank you." I say and tip the man.

He quickly thanks me then heads out.

"Is this enough?" I ask.

"It's plenty. Sit, eat with me." he says as he pats the chair beside him.

I walk over and sit down and watch as he begins to situate things.

"Eat up." he smiles as he pushes food in my direction.

I thank him and begin to eat. He wastes no time in eating to his hearts content.

Man he was so adorable.
After we finished eating I got in the shower quickly then got dressed in comfortable clothes and laid down in the bed beside Tae.

"I'm so proud of you. You know that right?" I ask as I brush my fingers through Tae's hair lightly.

"Why are you proud of me?" He asks, half as if he didn't know and the other half as obvious that he did know but just wanted to hear me say it out loud.

"I'm proud of you for everything in general. You've come so far in your career and you've overcome a lot of hard times. I'm just so proud of you." I say and a smile slips onto his face as he runs his fingers over mine then laces them together.

"Well I'm proud of you too. Did you know that?" He asks.

"Proud of me? Why?" I ask, a bit taken back.

"You've managed to push through all of the shit you've been put through in this past week and I'm super proud of you for it. I really am. You're a strong woman Y/n, I've always liked that about you." He says and I smile and rest my forehead against his.

"Then I guess you could say...Strong power, thank you."

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