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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed.

I sit up and rub my eyes and see Taehyung stretching beside the bed.

"Where are you going?" I ask as I yawn.

"We have work." He laughs.

"I don't wanna go." I whine and he turns to me and smiles.

"You have to. Now get up and get ready before you're late." He says and I sigh and stand up, making sure to stretch real nice.

I quickly got dressed by throwing on an oversized red sweater with leggings.

I then put on some shoes and pulled my hair into a half up half down ponytail then grabbed my phone and headed out to the living room where I see the guys already walking out of the door.

"Let's get going." Tae says but I stop him and pull him back.

"But first." I say then pull him down so I can kiss him.

He kisses back and after a minute or so he pulls back.

"Thanks. I needed that to get me through the day." I say and he laughs and pulls me outside and to the van.
On the ride to the building he held my hand and leaned his head on my shoulder, complaining that he was tired.

How cute but guess what, me too bitch.

I couldn't stop yawning.

When we got there he pecked my lips quickly before getting out of the van.

I smile and grab my phone before getting out too and following them inside.

I was all happy and what not until we opened the studio door.

There in a spinny chair was Ji Su.

"What is she doing here?" I ask Mel who was right by the door.

"She got her job back." She says and my eyes widen a bit.

"How? I thought she couldn't come in the building again." I say but the conversation is interrupted by a laugh.

"I told you I had my ways, Y/n. Now how has my Taehyungie been?" Ji Su asks as she begins to walk over to Tae.

I clench my fists and turn around to set my bag down.

Keep your clam Y/n.

You can't lose your temper and do something you'll regret.

I chose to ignore it and began looking over their schedule.

As I'm reading over it my eyes land on the word Tour.

They're having a tour?

Since when?

I was never informed of that.

"What are you up to?" Mel asks and I shake my head and stand.

"I was just looking over the schedules. Did you know that the guys have a tour coming up?" I ask.

"Yeah, we knew about it months in advance. Why? Is there a problem?" She asks confused.

"Not at all."
"Of course there's a problem! Why didn't you tell me?!" I pout once we get in the van.

"Well it just kinda slipped our minds ya know. I'm sure we would have brought it eventually." Namjoon says and I sigh.

"You guys are really leaving? How long is it anyway?" I ask.

"A couple months. Four I think." Yoongi says and I instantly frown.

"So you're saying I can't see you for a whole four month?!" I ask.

"Well not exactly. Everytime we go on tour PD Nim chooses a group of staff to come with us. We'll try our best to get you on that list." Jimin says and I pout.

"What If I don't make the list?" I ask.

"Then we'll fly you to wherever we are so you can see us." Taehyung says.

"This isn't fair." I huff.

"Life isn't fair." Jungkook says and I scoff and turn my head to look out of the window.

"If it helps I'll try to FaceTime you everyday." Tae says but that doesn't help me feel less upset in the slightest.

"I promise we'll try our best to get you on that list." He says.

"Yeah yeah."
"The list of people going on tour with them is out!" Ji Su says as she flings herself over to a board that was in the main lobby.

I was hoping and praying she wasn't on the list.

"Fuck. This isn't fair!" She whines and I relax a little, knowing she hadn't gotten in.

I walk over to the board and skim it and my heart skinks when I don't see my name.

"Good thing you're not going. I couldn't deal with knowing you were there with my Oppa" Ji Su says and I grit my teeth before making my way to the studio.

Her Oppa?

This bitch needs to back the fuck up because he's my Oppa.
When I get up to the studio and walk in the guys look at me with sad and sympathetic looks.

"I know I didn't make it on the list. Don't give me those looks." I say and Tae frowns.

"We tried, really we did. He just wouldn't budge because you're too new here, as he put it." Tae says and I shake my head.

"I guess it's whatever. I'll just stay at the dorm by myself and be sad and lonely." I sigh.

"Yah! Don't say that." he says and then looks around to make sure others hadn't heard, which thankfully, they hadn't.

"He's right. You can have friends over whenever you'd like for however long you'd like. We don't mind as long as you're happy." Jin says and I sigh.

"I just don't want to not see you guys for four whole months." I pout.

"I'll text you everyday. I promise when we come back we'll all have a super fun night." Tae says and I let out a breath and nod.

"I'm still gonna be upset though." I say.

"I know and I'm sorry." He says and as badly as I wanted to reach out and grab him, I didn't.

I was upset that the guys were leaving and I couldn't go with them but there was nothing I could do about it.

All I could do was wait until they got back.

I was gonna miss them so much.

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