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•Taehyung's pov•

When we get to dinner I sit down beside Jimin and Jin Hyung and watched as the others sat down too.

This dinner was not just for fun, it was important.

Apparently someone big in our company has an announcement to make and we all had to be here for it, even PD Nim.

I was a bit nervous to hear the announcement but at the same time I was too excited to eat the food to pay attention.

Finally, the big men arrive.

"Evening boys. As you all know, we're gathered​ here because I have some big news. You all know my granddaughter right?" He asks and from behind him a girl steps out and my eyes widen.

"They all know me very well." Ji Su says with a smile on her face.

What was she doing here?

"Well then that's even better. I'd like to announce that my granddaughter will be joining you guys on your tour. She's a huge fan of you guys and since she didn't get put on the list of course I had to do something. After all, she did tell me that you guys are her favorite people ever." He says while laughing a little.

I clench my fists under the table.

Just seeing her made me think of all of the things she did to Y/n and it angered me.

"You mean the whole tour?" Namjoon asks.

"Yes. She'll be at every show. She'll be helping as a stylist and even staying in the tour van with you guys when you drive. Of course she'll be getting her own hotel room but other than that she'll be at your side the whole tour." He says and I feel myself starting to get a headache.

A whole four month with her?

I can't deal with that.

How would Y/n take this?

She'd be angry for sure.

"I'm so excited!" Ji Su says with a giant smile and you can tell just by how she's acting that this isn't how she usually acts.

This was all a fake act in front of her Grandpa.

I suddenly felt irritated.

How was I supposed to tell Y/n this?

Your pov•

When I woke up the next morning I happily got ready for the day then headed to my new job.

It was currently around 6am and yet I wasn't upset about being awake this early?

I was too excited.

"You made it!" My boss says while giving me a big smile.

"I sure did." I say and he reaches under the counter and pulls out a hat and apron with the places name on it.

"Wear this everyday." he says and I nod and proceed to put it on.

"It looks great. Now, you'll be working as the waitress so all you have to do is listen to me when I say that orders are ready then you take them to the costumers and everyone is happy." He says.

"Seems simple enough." I say and he nods and gives me a thumbs up as the first person walks in.

The job really did seem simple and I was quite happy that I was lucky enough to earn the job.

I'd really do my best!
•Taehyung's pov•

When I finally get home from rehearsal I plop down on my bed and see a text from Y/n.

Y/n: Are you busy?

Taetae: Kinda.

Y/n: Oh, sorry to bother you then.

Taetae: You're not bothering me. What's up?

Y/n: I just wanted to see how you were doing.

Taetae: I actually have something to tell you. Hold on.

Then I call her.

She's answer the FaceTime call and smiles instantly. She looked cute as always.

"What's up?" I smile.

"Nothing really. I just got​ home and wanted to talk to you." She says.

"Oh yeah. How was your first day at your new job?" I ask.

"It was great! It's such a good job and I really enjoy it." She says while smiling widely.

"I'm really happy. What did you want to tell me by the way?" She asks and I bite the inside of my cheek.

She was happy and if I told her it would upset her.

I didn't want that to happen.

"I just wanted to let you know that I love you." I grin and she smiles.

"I already knew that silly, I love you too." She says and I smile even though inside I felt bad for not telling her about the whole Ji Su thing.

She deserved to know I just didn't want to upset her when she was happy.

She deserves the happiness and I don't want to take that away from her.

"How did your dinner go last night?" She asks and I bite my lip.

"It was nice. We ate really good food." I say.

"Ah really? I'm glad." she says.

"Yeah it was nice." I say.

"I'm glad you're having fun. I'm really tired though and I have to be up early again for work so I'll talk to you whenever you're free alright?" She says and I nod.

"Goodnight love." She smiles then hangs up.

I let out a long sigh and rub at my face.

I really didn't know how to tell Y/n that tomorrow Ji Su would be joining us on tour.

I didn't want this either but there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Having Ji Su on the bus also meant I couldn't FaceTime Y/n.

How we I supposed to stall not being able to FaceTime when we had no problem doing it before?

This really was going to cause problems.

I don't know what to do.

I groan and roll over on my side.

I really need to think of a way to tell Y/n about this without her freaking out or getting really upset.

The last thing I wanted was her to be upset over this.

I just wanted her to be happy.

Love is hard.

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