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I woke up semi exhausted yet very excited for my first day on the job.

Two weeks had passed since I got the job and now I was starting it because they were short staffed.

I was excited for this job and I wouldn't let anything ruin that excitement.

"Are you ready?" Namjoon asks as we get to the Bighit building.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I smile and follow them inside.

When we got into their dance studio I saw a couple guys and girls talking amongst each other then stopping and giving their full attention to the guys.

"Everyone, this is Y/n. As of today she'll be starting her new job as staff." Jin smiles and everyone bows and welcomes me.

"Please do make her feel welcome here." He says and then guides me in the direction of the people as the guys begin to practice dance moves.

He waves then goes to join them, leaving me with my new colleagues.

"Hey, I'm Mel." A girl says as she walks up to me.

She seemed to be American but she spoke fluent Korean.

"Hey." I say while giving a smile.

"Don't worry. You'll feel comfortable here soon enough. Everyone here is pretty nice. Except for a couple people.." She says.

"Thanks. I was a bit nervous someone wouldn't be very fond of me." I say as I rub at the back of my neck.

"I wouldn't worry about that. You seem like a cool person." She says then wraps her arm around my shoulder.

"I would just be careful if I were you. There's a couple of girls here who like some of the guys and I wouldn't want anything to get mixed up." She whispers and my eyebrows raise but I nod.

She walks us over to a group of girls around my age who were watching the guys dance and chatting amongst themselves, or to be more specific, fangirling.

"Do you see how cute Taehyung looks?! He really is angelic." A girl grins as she shoots heart eyes in his direction.

"See." Mel laughs as she sits down and pats the seat beside her.

I sit down and watch the guys practice.

They were actually really good at dancing and it was fun to watch.
After a couple of hours of them dancing Jin called one of the girls over.

She walked over casually and listened carefully as he spoke.

I couldn't hear what was said over the music they were playing but I assumed it wasn't my business since they hadn't called me over.

When the girl comes back she picks up her bag then heads out of the room.

"She probably went on a drink run or something." Mel says and I nod and glance back at the guys.

"Y/n! Come here for a second!" Taehyung calls and I stand and go to walk but then I hear a scoff from behind me.

I turn to see the same girl who was obsessing over him, glaring at me.

I ignore it and make my way over to him.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Do you mind grabbing us some towels from the lobby. We're done for the day and we're sweaty." He states the obvious.

"Sure thing." I say and walk out the door.

I make my way down to the lobby and pile the towels into my arms.

As I'm making my way up I hear laughing.

When I peak my head around the corner sneakily I see the girl from the dance studio talking to one of her friends.

"Did you see the way he smiled at her? Why is he calling her like she's something special? She's not even cute or Taehyung's type." She says and I scoff and head to the room.

Haters will hate only because they're insecure.
"Here." I say and hand each of the guys a towel.

"Thanks. Are you hungry? We're gonna go get food." Jimin says and I nod.

"Food sounds great." I smile.

"Then let's go!" Hoseok says excitedly as he skips out of the room and down the hall.

When we all get to the lobby I see the same girls standing there.

Once her eyes land on Taehyung she smiles widely and hops over to him.

"You did amazing today!" She says, batting her lashes.

"Thank you." He says and gives her a sweet smile.

No wonder she likes him so much.

I mean he's hella cute but he's also really sweet and his smile is one you'd fall for instantly.

"Are you going home to rest?" she asks and he shakes his head.

"We're actually going out to eat. You can join us if you'd like." Taehyung says and her face seems to light up.

Her eyes drift over to me then.

"You're not going are you? You must be awfully tired after your first day." She says with fake sympathy.

"I am going, actually." I say.

"You should really rest." She says while flashing me a huge fake smile.

I knew she didn't like me and quite frankly, I was staring to dislike her too.

"You're right. I'll see ya around." I say and readjust my bag.

"Wait no! You said you'd come." Taehyung says with a pout on his face.

"I Changed my mind. See ya guys later." I say then head home.

The walk back wouldn't be far so I didn't mind walking.

As much as I had wanted to go I couldn't afford to have enemies already.

It's only the first day at this job and I already have this girl who dislikes me.

I didn't want to make that worse.
When I get back to the dorm I lay down on my bed and let out a long breath of relief.

It felt good to lay down and relax.

I turned over on my side and before I knew it, I was out like a light.

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