T W E N T Y - F I V E

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•Taehyung's pov•

Finally we arrive back at the hotel and y/n and I make our way to our room.

"I'm really excited that you get to stay with me!" I smile widely and Y/n smiles up at me.

"I am too. I just have to talk to my boss and family and friends about this." She says.

"Of course." I say and watch as she pulls her phone out and begins to call people. 

As she does I get on Twitter to see people commenting on the last picture I tweeted.

The comments ranged from people saying sorry and that they loved me to some comments saying they still couldn't accept Y/n and I.

As I scrolled more into the comments I came across a long one and stopped to read it.

It said: Taehyung-ah. I've been a fan of yours since your debut and after I heard about all of these dating rumors part of me wished it wasn't true but another part of me really was happy for you. After hearing what you had to say about Y/n I realized that you truly do love her and I decided that I'm going to support you and your relationship. I want nothing more than for you to be happy and even if I may be hurt over this I would never send hate towards your girlfriend. She's beautiful by the way and she really seems to love you. She's lucky to have you! I wish you two the best!

I can't help but to smile widely.

Why couldn't all of my fans be supportive like this.

I instantly like the tweet and reply back.

It was the least I could do.

In reply: Thank you so much for the support. I'm glad you chose to stay beside me and support Y/n and I. It really does mean a lot. Thank you. 👍❤

I smile and click my phone off.

I turn my attention to Y/n and listen to her as she speaks on the phone, FaceTime to be exact.

"Yeah, as much as I loved the job I have to quit. I'm finishing the tour with the guys and afterwards I'm heading back to Seoul." Y/n says.

"It's too bad. I really enjoyed having you working here and the costumers really liked you too." A man's voice says and I know she's talking to her boss.

"I'll miss working there but I'll come visit eventually." she says and smiles.

"Next time you do bring that boyfriend of yours! I want to meet him." The guy says and Y/n looks over at me then back and laughs.

"Will do. I'll talk to you later." she says and then hangs up.

"Come here." I say after a moment as I open my arms wide.

She wasted no time in crawling into them.

"So, when do we get back on the road?" She grins.

"We're heading out tonight actually." I say and she looks up at me and smiles.

"I'm excited that I'm finally getting the chance to be on the road with you guys." She says and I smile then an idea clicks in my head.

"Let's go on a date." I say and her eyebrows raise.

"A date? When?" She laughs.

"Right now. Let's go on a date before we leave tonight." I say and a smile starts to form on her face.

"Alright." she smiles.

"Yay! Let's put our things into the van so we can just get in and go right after." I say and she nods and starts to pack up her things as do I.

I was excited to go on a date with my love.
Your pov•

"Okay! We're all packed up. Let's go get some food, I'm starving!" Tae says and I smile and grab ahold of his hand.

He smiles down at them and then proceeds to swing them a little as he walks beside me.

When we make it to the food place we sit down across from each other and order food.

As we wait Tae rests his head in the palm of his hand and stares at me.

"What are you looking at?" I ask, feeling myself becoming shy under his gaze.

"You're just so beautiful." he says and that only causes me to blush harder.

Of course he smiles at that.

"So your old boss wants to meet me huh?" Tae asks after a moment.

"Yeah. He's actually a fan of BTS and wants to meet you." I say and he laughs a little and nods.

"Then of course I'll go. I'm always up for meeting fans." he says and I smile and give him an mhm.

"Speaking of fans, I got a message from one of mine and it was very sweet. They were saying that they were going to accept and support our relationship." He says and his eyes seem to light up.

"If only everyone else would." he then frowns.

"Well not everyone is gonna be able to accept it and that's understandable. All we can do now is try to ignore the comments." I say and Tae pulls his lips in and nods.

"Well as long as we're happy that's all that matters." he smiles.

"It sure is." I say back.
After we ate we went sight seeing a little and then made our way back to the hotel after Jungkook texted Tae saying that we were leaving in ten minutes.

By time we got back the guys were already finishing up packing the car and piling inside.

"Just in time. Get in." Yoongi says once he spots us.

Tae and I laugh a little and get into the Van.

Surprisingly enough the van was quite comfortable and roomy so we weren't all squished together and feeling claustrophobic.

"How was your little date?" Hoseok asks with a giant smile covering his face.

"It was great." I say.

"It sure was." Taehyung adds as he leans down to place a gentle kiss on my lips.

"No PDA in the van."

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