Chapter 7

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Quickly used his magic, many bones appeared and got ready to attack.

"Oh, so this is how smiley trash bag greeting the visitor ? How mean ! " A little yellow flower said, it face looked annoying that Sans almost wanted to punch it hard.

" What do you want this time, weed ?"

He was really sick and didn't want to waste his time with this little brat.

"Listen to me you weirdo," it ignored what Sans called it and tried to explain what was going on," first of all, I'm not the one who changed the timeline. It seems like the 'mistake' is coming from no where...... Don't give me that look ! Since Frisk came here the first time, I already lost the power of 'Reset' !"

Sans crossed his arms and gave it a unbelieved look," and...... how do I believe that you hadn't done anything about this?"

"Grr...... Ok, fine !! Keep your stupid guess," it growled and saw a gaster blaster appeared in front of it.

"Tsh, you bonehead !!"

Flowey gasped and hid itself under the ground. After a several blasts, it came up and glared at that skeleton.

Standing up from the bench, Sans summoned more bones and pointed to Flowey.
They stared at each other in silent for a while, the only thing that could heard was those echo flowers' whispering.

Ten minutes passed, Sans finally sighed and withdrew his magic," fine... and what else?"

He was too tired to fight, at least not now.

"Finally ," Flowey calmed itself down and continued its sentence," well, you already know my real position, aren't you? But there's something that I haven't let anyone know is since I became a flower, I can't feel 'love' because I'm made of Asriel's sadness and Chara's hatred. However, in some reason, I can easily see or feel other's emotion."

"So...?" Sans threw himself back on the bench and looked up to watch those sparkling stones.

"I feel something strange from you, Sans," it gave him a crafty smile.

The lazy skeleton didn't said anything but his face changed a little.

"By the way, Frisk hasn't continued her journey, that's another strange thing,"and I think, YOU might know the reason?"

A bone shoot in to the ground, it almost hit Flowey's face in only two centermeter.

''Opps, there's a bug.''

''Hey !! That is danger you idiot !!'' It waved it leaves and yelled at him angrily.

"Just like what they just said, talk shit, get hit. Now, finished your words."

"You bastard...... Well then, let me ask you a question ~ You have feelings with that human, aren't you ?" Moved itself a bit farther away from Sans, Flowey kept it smile on it face but still kept up it guard to avoid any other 'surprise hit'.

Sans was stiff a bit and stayed in silent for a few minutes.
Then, he slowly answered," ...... I love Frisk, just like all the other monsters in underground. She is our hope and hero, she will lead us to the surface. With her kindness and determination, no one can stop her."

"Ohhh, really ?" Flowey laughed and it face turned evil," YOU REALLY ARE AN IDIOT, SANS. Well, that fine. You are so lucky that you meet a such kind flower like me, I will leave you a much more easier question to you !"

Sans summoned a blaster at the yellow flower and shot.
Flowey had said something before it dodged the blaster and hid into the ground.

There was nothing left but Sans then heard those echo flowers whispering...

Indescribable Feeling (Yandere!Sans x female!Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now