Chapter 13

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Ugh......Where am I......?

Opening his eye socket,Sans put his bonely-hand on his forehead and tried to sit up.
However,when he moved for a bit ,he felt pain came to his mind. His rib and sternum were full with injures,even though he already had psychological preparation, but it still really hurt.

The skeleton laid back and heard a soft voice,"Sans?Are you awake?"

Frisk......? Why is she here? Did she see what I have done?
She might really hate me if she know the truth.

Sans clenched his fist and stayed in silent,then he felt something moist was touching his humerus lightly.
"Sans,Sans!" Frisk called,she started at her skeleton friend with worry,grabbing a wet towel in her hands.
"Yeah, I'm awake.......what's up?" Sans slowly sat up, the pain attacked his mind but he tolerated it,"why are you here anyway......huh?"

Before he finished his word,he saw that Frisk was on the verge of tears. Without second thought,Sans ignored those aches from his wounds,quickly rapped his arms around Frisk,trying to comfort her.

"Hey,hey......calm down. What wrong,sweety? Don't cry okay? Please,I'm ok, I'm ok......Don't be worry......kiddo,I will protect you......"

Squeezing her face into Sans's chest Frisk sobbed hardly and hugged back, "I...... I almost thought you won't wake up......"

Oh gosh...... How naive  kiddo is !
She was care about him and he felt very content.
He will do anything, to make her stay by his side to the end of the life.

Hahaha!! That's because she doesn't know what kind of bastard you are ~!
Just think about it,if she know the"REAL YOU ",what will she think about you?

A dark voice appeared in Sans's mind,it derided at him then gone.

"S-Sans......?" Noticed that Sans's strength got a little more harder,Frisk carefully said.

Sans quickly snapped back and let go,he moved his sight away from the little human's face,looking around. And soon,he realized he was in his own house,sitting on his couch.

How did he get back? Did the girl bring him back here by herself??

But those question weren't the most important part, he only wanted to know a thing.

He took a deep breath and tried to act in a calm way,  "um,kiddo, can you answer me a question, honestly?"

Frisk stopped crying and looked at him with confusion.

"What did you hear from Undyne......?"

Squeezing out the words between his teeth,Sans started at Frisk carefully.
He didn't know what he would do if he heard his sweety knew all what he had down.

"What......?Undyne......?" Frisk looked at him with confusion, " Undyne?"

Wider his eyesockets, Sans smiled happily. He quickly turned her attention away of it and patted her head, feeling her soft and smooph hair ran through his finger, "oh,just never mind sweety~ Anyway,are you hungry?"

Looking at him with that innocent face, Frisk didn't answer his question but shrugged her shoulders.

"Welp, how about some delicious hot dogs?" Sans said and walked slowly into the kitchen.
He was humming song and took out some buns from the shield.

It seems like Sans is in a good temper?
Frisk sat on the couch, trying to figure out the reason. However, soon she felt dizzy and couldn't clear her thoughts.

She laid down and looked at the front door with no wherefore.
I wonder when Pap will come back, then he can make lunch for them......

Who's Pap?

Jumping out of the couch, the little girl put her hands on her head. She widened her eyes, Frisk tried hardly to those familiar screen that crossed her mind.

I... I PROMISE......."

Who was the one that turned into dust under her shoes?


"Frisk... Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright?"

A goat looking monster child smiled at her with tears and turned into a flower.

What is his name?


More and more things came out her mind, this made the little human screamed in pain and scrunched her face madly.

Stop...... STop! STOP!! STOP!!!!!!!!

However, despite how tragic she wailed, more and more memories crashing to her that almost slitted her into thousands of pieces.

Sans ran back to the living room after he heard his precious one's screaming. Fortunately, before Frisk fell to the ground, Sans quickly summoned a gaster blaster to catch her. Walking slowly to her, the short skeleton wasn't nervous at all, he just smiled and gently rested his hand on her soft brown hair.

"Be good, dearly...... It just a little procedure," he chuckled and sent her to her room.

Sans carefully put her on the bed, he stared at that cute sleepy face for a second.

Oh my god..... How piece and calm when you are sleeping, sweety.

Sans laid down his skull and pressed his teeth on Frisk's forehead.

"Sweet dreams, my little human. I will be back as soon as I can."

Turning his sight to the outside window, he could easily feel that his face was covered in blue.
His pupils changed into purple and shined like star.

He mumbled to himself in a creepy voice," one down, than the next."


Darker, darker yet darker......
There was nothing except her.
Frisk slowly looked around and surprised that this place was so familiar to her. However, even though how hard she tried to recollect, she couldn't remember anything of this place.

"Hello, PARTNER ~ " A sound appeared, it was so clear that she almost thought it just spoke behind her ear.

Looking around to find the one who talked to her, Frisk could feel chilliness crowing on her back.
Then, she saw two red eyes staring at her with a creepy smile. Frisk gasped and stood back a little.

"Greetings, long time no see, partner ," a girl walked out of the darkness and said," it's me, Chara."
Her smile was scary and heartless, a sharp knife was holding in her hand.

This girl is Dangerous.

Even though Frisk didn't remember this person, her subconscious told her to run as fast as she could.

"What's wrong, partner? Don't you dare forget me?"

Frisk swallowed hard and widened her eyes.

The girl, who called herself 'Chara', just looked at her face. Soon, she realized something and laughed madly," pfff... hahahahaha!!!!! That's interesting ~ Seems like he really love you to crazy huh?"

What was she talking about!?

Moving closer to Frisk, Chara looked at her with pity. She threw the knife away and shrugged, her eyes color turned into normal brown.

Sans....... please save me...!!

"Sans? Hahahaha!!!" Chara laughed even much more louder," what a poor one, do you really still think that smiley trash bag is a good monster? Hahahahaha...!!!!"

"Do we have all day?" Another voice appeared, caused Frisk shivered a bit.

Both of the girls turned their head, a flower with a impatient face was staring at them.

Wiping away those tears of happiness, Chara didn't say anything but smiled.
Frisk just looked at both of them with confusion.

Flowey crossed it's leafs," hmm, it seems like, it is out of control."

Indescribable Feeling (Yandere!Sans x female!Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now