Message to Tony😎😩
Where are you Tones?? I hope you're already on your way
Tony😎😩's reply
I'm still trying to find a perfect suit that'll fit our date 😉😋😘
Well then you better hurry up! I don't want to wait long.
I could fly my way there right now butt naked if you want..
...Take your time Stark.. just take all the time you need.
"2 hours huh??"
"I had a lot to prepare..."
"Like what??""The best seats the cinema had, the delicious food and the 3D glasses!!"
"3D glasses for a Beauty and the Beast movie and a Power Rangers one too??"
"Yep! Now let's go before we miss our schedule which will start iiinnn..SHIT FIVE MINUTES!!"
"Liked the movies??"
"Of course! I never saw anything like it!"
"You'd probably get some rest once we go to the hotel."
Soldiers {MB/S}
RastgeleThis is Bucky Barnes speaking Yes, I know I should be hiding from people because of what I did but... I'm creating this book to show all of you how sorry I am [Includes MB/S]