chapter 8

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omg...anyone else watch the brit awards " anyone seen a curly one ?" couldnt stop laughing at the fact harry was in the toilet then admitted he was...that by will be the end of me i swear. my lord this is late and short but im just not feeling this story right now so im going to put it on hold every now and then a chort chapter may be updated but yeah..sorry 


a pair of dazzling blue eyes ones that you could get lost in and so i did before a cough knocked me to my sense. 

" Are you ok ?" he asked his voice caked with worry that was unmissable 

" oh um yeah " i couldn't help it he took my breath away i felt like i didn't know how to speak oh my look at what this boy is doing to me already ugh. 

yes ladies and gentleman i had bumped into none other then Daniel my precious mate and what a great impression i was making sometimes i wonder why I'm aloud to even speak to people i can be quite socially awkward like well now. i was not like this i was that friend who had no fear at shouting out to a cute guy and would run down the street singing my favorite songs and im the girl who had those big sleepovers where you'd get hyper staying up all night gossiping but then again i was socially awkard dispite my group of friends and my ability to make them laugh i also could be very deep yeah i know shocker but i was the first on the scene if someone was crying no doubt planning some bitches funeral in my head. 

Pulling me up and closer to him my hands remained on his chest his fine chest may i add and he made no attempt to move his arms from around my waist not that you would see me complaining.

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