Lunch? - Jack POV

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Jack let out a sigh as he sat at his computer desk and began to browse through his Skype. Suddenly he got a message.


『 Deathblossom is online』


Jack:「What's up?」

Deathblossom:「Just wondering what you're up to.」

Jack:「Nothing really. How about you?」


Suddenly Jack was interrupted by a loud knock outside. He turned to his window and saw his best friend Ana standing on his balcony.

"Hello there." She said as Jack let her in, "You were supposed to meet us for lunch today, Jack."

"(*sigh) Sorry, I forgot. You know, with everything that's been going on lately." He responded meekly.

"What, you mean the whole situation with Angela's confession to you," Ana snorted, "you know she falls for any tough guy that she thinks she says is just "misunderstood". She's already going after that new transfer student, Genji or whatever..."

"Argh, but this time it was different."

"Oh, you mean the whole shouting out, I'm gay." Ana smirked, "Hah! Big deal, everyone already knew. We were making bets on when you would come out, and guess who won." She gestured to herself and giggled.

"But I wasn't ready..."he sighed.

"(*sigh) It's alright Jack, how about we go get some late lunch," Ana grinned, "Hana's treat."

Jack smirked, "Well, it'd be a waste to give up such an amazing opportunity; count me in."

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