Apprehending A Hacker...?

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Sombra yawned as she rolled out of her bed,. She stumbled towards her washroom, the marble tiles felt cool against her feet. She glanced at the clock, 3pm and let out a sigh. She began to brush her teeth. Suddenly there was a buzzing noise. 'Ugh,' she thought as she made her way towards the intercom. "What is it?" She groaned as Gabriel's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey, we have a problem." He said.

"Can't it wait?" She sighed.

"Let me in." Gabriel asserted.

"Fine..." Sombra groaned as she pushed a button.

Gabriel sat down on Sombra's couch and glanced around. It never failed to amaze him how pricey her apartment looked. He shook his head, he wasn't here to oggle Sombra's place, he was there to discuss the situation with Jack.

Earlier that day...

Jack opened the door to several police officers. "Huh? What's going on?" Jack asked.

"I'm sorry, but we are going to have to take you with us." An officer sighed, "We have reason to believe that you may have been involved with the situation at ░░░░░░ the other day."

After a while Jack decided to allow the police to interrogate him and such since he knew that he did not do anything. Gabriel saw the situation unfold before him. He decided that he should go to Sombra's place to ask her what she did and to fix the mess that she made.

Now Gabriel was waiting for Sombra to finish brushing her teeth. Eventually Sombra stepped out of her washroom. She put her hands on her hips "So," She sighed, "what are you doing here?"

"As if you didn't already know." Gabriel said, "Don't you have camera's everywhere?"

"Well for your information, you got rid of all my stuff, remember?" She retorted.

'I'll have to look again.' He thought. "Okay..." He sighed. Gabriel briefly explained what had happened and waited her a response. Sombra, however, did not react the way he thought.

"So," She began, "what do I get if I help you?"

"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked, "You're the one that caused all of this."

"You have no proof." She sighed as she glanced at her nails and blew a bubble (with her gum).

"Fine," He groaned, "I'll owe you one, just tell me what you want some other time."

"Okay." She grinned. Sombra then pushed a button underneath her coffee table which opened a compartment in the floor. She reached into it and pulled out a phone. She then began to type something on it and had a frustrated look on her face for a moment.. After she was done she took the sim card and put the phone back in the compartment. "Jack's free to go," She said as she walked across the room, "you should probably confess to him soon," She sighed, "Jokes aside, I don't think I can do this for you next time."

Gabriel nodded. As he left he saw Sombra wrap the SIM card in her gum and throw it into the trash.

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