Happy With Where I Am

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© 2017 D.S. Little

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.



*Two Weeks Later*

       "Do you have to leave? Why can't we just lay in bed all day?" I whined while watching my boyfriend of a year, KeVon Simmons, walk out of my bathroom freshly showered. "You literally just got here."

       "Quit it. I came here right after the bruh's party last night." He said going through his bag to get his clothes out.

        "At almost two in the morning!" I reminded him. "I swear it feels like we rarely see each other anymore."

         "I told you, with graduation coming I have been taking on more clients." He told me. "My business is finally taking off and I can't start slacking off now, no matter how much I wanna lay in bed with my sexy-ass girlfriend." And just like that he had me blushing.

        KeVon attended Norfolk State which was about twenty minutes away from where I attended school at Hampton University. He was set to graduate in December with a degree in Physical Education and Exercise Science. He had already teamed up with another soon-to-be graduate to open up their own private gym.

        "Then I'll never see you, " I said with exasperation rolling over on my back dramatically.

        "I already told you, you need to get back in the gym with me so I can work you out some more." He smiled while putting lotion on his body. "Then you can see me as much as you want."

       "I hate the gym." I told him. "And I don't wanna lose any more weight. I love the size I'm at."

      "I agree that it looks good on you baby." He said sitting down on the bed next to me. "But a size fourteen is not a healthy size for you. You need to lose at least another twenty pounds to get to your healthy target weight."

       "My Doctor is happy with where I am." I pointed out now sitting up in my bed to face him.

       "He's just happy that you aren't a size twenty anymore knocking on death's door." He commented standing back up to finish getting dressed.

       I had met KeVon my freshman year at a frat party when I was much bigger and before the health scare that almost cost me my life. In the middle of class my sophomore year I had to be rushed to the ER after I started bleeding uncontrollably from my nose and mouth. Once there, I found out that my blood pressure had reached 220/170. Had my professor not called the ambulance when she did, I would have died.

      What caused my pressure to spike? I had stopped taking my blood pressure medications because I hated the side effects of them, not realizing that those pills were keeping me alive! My doctor told me that if I didn't start taking better care of myself, better that I would die in a few years if not sooner. I was only twenty-one at the time. Talk about a wake-up call!

       I started working out, but then found out that same summer that I had a tumor in my stomach the size of a seven-month-old baby and that it had its own blood supply. It had been a result of severe hypertension. I had to have two major surgeries to remove the tumor. From then on, I began to take my health more seriously.

       KeVon, who already had his own personal training business by then, volunteered to help me get in shape and it was during this time that we got closer and started dating. One of the issues between us now was the amount of time he spent at the gym. In only his boxer briefs walking around my room, he looked as if he was modeling for a Calvin Klein ad. Standing at 6'2 and dripping like a dark chocolate Hershey bar, KeVon was the epitome of Man Crush Monday. The problem was that he knew it too and I actually loved that about him.

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