Author's Note

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First off, I am so excited that you guys like this story! When I started I wasn't even sure how this was gonna work out or if it would! I told you I build my characters first then allow "them" to tell the story!

Well Jaren and Fatima were both driven and stubborn! They gave me a headache sometimes (literally)!

I threw things at them but how they reacted to things I never forced! I wanted to remain true to their characters.

Yes, it was an up and down ride but that's how I like my stories to be! I want your emotions all over the place, I want you to be rooting for them as much as I am! I want you on edge and feeling the emotions as they feel them! To me, that's what makes a great story!

Open your mind to people who are not like you. Open your heart to try and understand why people make decisions they do. We writers don't write our characters perfect because we want you to see different sides of people.

Writing is the best way to open the minds of others and I love seeing all the healthy debates.

I believe in those of you who have reached out to me about starting your books! I'm so proud of you and excited to watch your growth! All it takes is that first step.

And when you get knocked down by negative comments, remember WHO you are and stay true to that! Your real readers will love you no matter what!

I love you guys and thank you for allowing me into your lives through my story! 💖💖💖


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