You Keep Thinking That

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© 2017 D.S. Little All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.



"Damn Fatima, is it like that?" One of KeVon's frat brothers Lorenzo said while looking me up and down.

"Please tell my girl how bad she is!" Autumn said smacking my butt playfully. "'Cause she won't listen to me." I cut my eyes at her. "Don't look at me like that." Autumn snapped.

We were at Sapphire one of the newer clubs in the Virginia Beach area. It was Saturday night and the club was packed with mostly students from all the local colleges anxious for the semester to be over.

Things between KeVon and I were good again, this was actually the first night in two weeks that he was going out with his friends instead of staying in with me like he had been. His graduation was that next Saturday and he was excited about being done with school and devoting his time to his business full-time. I was both happy and proud of him.

But tonight wasn't about any of that, we were out celebrating Autumn. She had found out that she got into Hampton University's Graduate School for Counseling. She was so excited because even though she had applied at other places, she really wanted to stay at HU. She wanted to be a high school counselor and had already established relationships with many of the local high schools. She felt her best chance at getting a job right out of graduation was in the area.

I, on the other hand, had not heard from either John Hopkins or UNC yet and I was beginning to get anxious because everyone else around me was already getting notifications from their schools. What if I didn't get into either program? I thought to myself. I hadn't really considered the possibility of that happening. I was going to have to apply to other medical schools and hope that I could get in on late admission if things didn't turn out as I had expected them to.

Autumn and Lorenzo had been deep in small talk while I was lost in my own thoughts. I was ignorant as to what they were talking about. Apparently Lorenzo had made a joke, because Autumn nudged me roughly in the side for me to laugh along with her. I did my best forced laugh and watched the smile spread on Lorenzo's caramel face. He was the Que that wore his gold boots everywhere and wanted everyone to know that he was a bruh. Mostly because he was often mistaken for a Kappa or an Alpha with his pretty boy looks. He was trying his best to harden his image with those letters and it was comical to the rest of us.

"Where is your boy at?" I asked Lorenzo expecting to see KeVon somewhere around because most of his line brothers were there and he had told me that he would be out with them tonight when I told him I was taking Autumn out.

Lorenzo opened his mouth to answer, but looked unsure of what to say. As if fate was on his side, the DJ started to play C Murder's old school classic, Down For My Niggaz and I watched as he ran to the floor with the rest of the bruhs to try and take over the dance floor pushing and shoving each other. I scanned the sea of purple and gold shirts among the club's red lights that were flashing around the dance floor. I noticed the figure of every single one of his boys, but didn't see him anywhere in sight. I pulled out my cell phone and sent him a message.

Me: 1:32AM: Hey babe, I miss you.

I waited for a response but didn't receive one. I tucked my phone back away and looked out in the crowd as the DJ started to play Future. The Ques still owned the floor, now strolling around it.

"I thought you said that KeVon was going out with his boys?" Autumn asked me suspiciously one perfectly arched eyebrow raised high.

"That's what he told me." I mumbled pulling out my phone again and checked to see if he had responded yet. Still there was nothing from him.

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