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Eira sat across the table in her office, a small cube in her hand as she waited for her patient to open up. But she wasn't having it.

It had been half an hour and all the girl had done till now was gulp down a glass of water.

"You do realise that I'm gonna be paid for nothing right? You've already wasted half an hour. Only one hour to go now, love." Eira told the girl and went back to sitting in her rocking chair.

The girl said nothing. Again.

"So you aren't gonna say anything? Not even your name?" Eira said again, trying to talk the girl in speaking something.

She noticed the girl's posture was stiffened, her hands were in a fist but her shoulders were sullen. Her mouth was in a firm line but her eyes spoke fear.

"You're angry..and terrified, you want to say something.." Eira commented at the girl and her eyes shot up.

"I can sense that from your posture." Eira remarked.

"Come on, atleast tell me your name. I'm literally just twenty five, I'm not gonna start talking stupid shit like old boring therapists." Eira said, chuckling.

The girl sighed.

"I know who you are. You're the girl who was supposed to marry Virat Kohli but then it didn't happen." The girl finally broke the silence. It was Eira's turn to be silent now.

Eira looked at her in shock. Nobody had confronted her on this before. Probably because she had disappeared.

It had done her good though. She boycotted all kinds of social media, she didn't even watch any television. Instead, she read books. Books about how to get over a heartbreak, how to be happy, how to make yourself feel worthy again.

She didn't care what people said about her, she just worked on herself. She studied privately, didn't go to university. Not because she felt scared but because she knew people would try to make her wounds bleed again.

Eira had one constant presence in her life. Her friends. All of them supported her in every way they could. They paused their life to make her feel better.

Eira decided to change the topic, she didn't want the girl to get out of her limits. She hadn't heard his name in years and she didn't want to..ever.

"Let's talk about you-" Eira was cut off again.

"Men leave, and men hurt you. Virat left you didn't he? And the man in your life right now is gonna leave you too! Because he's a man!" The girl exclaimed loudly this time.

Eira knew what this was. In her language, it was a case of 'Daddy issues that had increased after her lover dumped her or something.' Simple.

That's how girls, teenage girls get fucked up in the head. They start depending on a man to make them feel happy and when they leave, the girls fall into pits of depression and loneliness.

She started to talk to herself, mumbling things incoherent, she smashed the lamp on the table too. Eira took a deep breath and then peeked at the girl, trying her best to handle this matter.

"You need to calm down." Eira said in a shaky voice.

This girl needed a psychiatrist. Not a therapist.

"No! You will be left all alone! He will leave you, and take away him too!" The girl yelled at Eira and then pointed at Hani's picture in the room. It was a family potrait.

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