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This chapter is my personal favourite. Xx

Please vote and comment. Tell me what you all think!

Also Hani is not as little as he looks in the pic


When Eira returned back to the hotel, she heard loud shrieks and cries of Hani in her room.

It worried her, seeing him cry like that. But she was already so snappy and annoyed, she couldn't help but feel like crying herself.

"Why's he crying?" She asked Faris who was busy moving Hani from one place to another, trying to quieten his sobs.

"I don't know, he has been crying ever since you left." Faris responded. He was stressed out too.

"Well you should have called me." Eira said, her voice came out very rude.

"Maybe you shouldn't have left your child in the first place!" Faris snapped back at Eira loudly and made Hani stand up on the bed.

Eira exhaled a deep breath and looked at her son.

"Hani, look at me baby. Are you hurt?" She questioned him in a soft tone, politely. It was just terrible twos, Eira knew that there wasn't anything wrong with him.

"No.." He replied and then started to sob again. A streaks of no was coming soon.

"Okay, do you want to play?" Eira asked again, kissing his forehead. Faris rubbed Hani's back in the meantime.


"Then what's wrong baby?" Eira enquired in a childish voice but there was no reply. Faris sighed, throwing a glance at Eira.

"He woke up from a nap and he's been grumpy ever since." He informed her, and then went back to focusing his attention on his son. "Hani, you want to eat something? Ice cream?" He asked.

"As if he doesn't have a sore throat already." Eira scoffed.

What was up with her? Faris clenched his jaw.

"You really need to watch your tone." He warned her. Eira rolled her eyes. She was obviously stressed about her earlier encounter but this wasn't how she should have taken it out.

"Ta 'Ala hina. I'll take you out, get you some icecream." Faris wrapped an arm around Hani, picking him up.

"Let me get my bag." Eira murmured.

Faris shook his head at her.

"Maybe you should check your attitude while we're gone."

He left the room after that.

Eira was sound asleep when Faris came back, surprisingly he came back at night. Eira's eyes were closed but Faris sensed that she had cried, her cheeks were red, so was her nose. And the mascara she must have had applied before was smeared over her face.

He had taken Hani out for icecream and then sat at a private area for a long time, thinking everything. He thought about how Eira behaved with him, and thought more about what must have happened to make her feel so snappy?

He thought about how coming to India wasn't really a good idea because he already had three media outlets, calling him to convince his wife for an interview. It was a good thing Eira didn't watch television anymore.

For the media, it was a hot story. Ex fiance of the Virat Kohli, married to an arab billionaire. Faris didn't know how the media had grasped the news, this was a game for the ratings.

But for Faris, Eira was under hus guardianship. She was his dignity and grace, she was his wife. So he sat and contemplated everything.

"Hey, hey. Don't you wanna have dinner?" He asked her, softly waking Eira up. Eira stirred in her sleep before she finally opened up her eyes. She squinted a little and focused on Faris' face. Her voice was groggy when she spoke.

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