Chapter Thirteen

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"I am going to miss you guys." I whispered as we all hugged. "I'll miss you too." "I'll write to you, I promise." Ashton whispered. "Okay." I said back. "Well I better let ya guys go." Ashton nodded and walked over and opened the car door. Before he got in he looked at me. He didn't wave. He didn't say 'Bye.' He didn't say 'See you soon'. He said nothing. Instead he smiled.


I decided to call my dad and tell him what happened.
"Hey dad."
"Hey sweetie."
"Uhh well I kinda sorta broke my wrist."
"It's a long story."
"I have time."

I told him the story and explained who Ashton was but left out the part where we write letters.

"Why didn't I get a call sooner?" He asked.
"I was asleep."
"Who is this Ashton boy?"
"He is really nice."
"Are you dating?"
"Dad c'mon! Of course not! We are just friends."
"College is for learning and studying Mia. It's not a place to fall in love."
"Who said anything about falling in love?" I asked.
"Nobody. But usually that's what happens." He said.

Even though he can't see me I rolled my eyes.

"Dad I can assure you we are just friends that's it."
"Okay now stay safe. We don't need any more visits to the hospital."
"Okay. Bye."

Seriously, why can't a girl be friends with a guy without having her dad think they are dating?

One week later I received a letter in the mail.

Mia Jane,
Hi! Our little weekend was fun. We need to do something like that again but with all of us. Me, you, Luke, Calum, And Michael. It'd be fun.

Hi! You're right. Our little weekend was very fun. I can't wait to hang out with all of you! I have a question. Why weren't you mad at us for drawing on your face then taking you out in public on purpose? Most people would be embarrassed or mad about it. . .
Mia Jane


I received another letter.

Mia Jane,
Hi! I wasn't mad at you because we are friends. Because it's a stupid thing to get mad over. Because it was just a little prank or joke whatever. Because I don't want you mad at me before I left. Because I love you.

Wait what?!?!?! Let's reread shall we? 'Because I love you.' Ashton loves me. I don't know what to think of this. Do I love him back? Do I want to stay just friends? I need advice. I have never dated somebody before. I have always been so busy.

I need a few minutes to think this over. Okay I lied, I need more than a few minutes.

If we date then break up, our whole friendship would be gone. The memories wouldn't be gone though but the people who made the wonderful memories would be gone. That's what I am so worried about, loosing a friend.

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