Chapter Seventeen

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I opened my eyes. It is still dark. What time is it? 3:24 am. Gosh it's early. Why am I awake so early? I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. After five minutes I still was awake. I tried counting sheep and counting to 1,000 but it didn't work. I sat up and got my phone. I got on YouTube and trie listening to relaxing music. It still didn't work.


It is now 5:30. Over the past hours I've been on Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter. Now I am wide awake. I am going to regret not sleeping.

What time do they all wake up anyway? 7:00? 8:00? 9:00? Later? I guess I will find out soon.

Now it is 7:00. I haven't heard any noise so they must all be asleep still. I was reading fanfics for the past hour.

I turned off my phone and layed down. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Surprisingly I fell asleep. The bad thing was I only slept for an hour then I woke up. It is 8:27. I grabbed my phone and checked Twitter. I tweeted something and then I saw I had a notification. It was a DM from Calum. I never really talked to him before. I replied back.

*DM conversation with Calum*

Calum: You awake?
Me: Yeah.
Calum: How long have you been awake?
Me: Idk five minutes maybe.
Calum: Is anybody else awake?
Me: Not that I know of.

*end of conversation*

Calum didn't message me back. I stayed on Twitter. I had a few notifications from 'fans'. They mentioned me in a tweet. I read the tweets and regretted every second of it. They were hurtful tweets. How could somebody be so rude?

I didn't cry though. I can't cry here pr at home. I can't let the hate get to me. After a few minutes I started reading all the hate tweets about me. I wanted to know what they thought of me. A couple people asked if I could do them a favor and kill myself. They are just bullies do not let the hate get to you.

Some of the tweets were from a month ago. I never realized how much some people hate me. Every once in a while I'd see a positive tweet who said they like me an Ashton together. It's good to know that there is still some good in the world.


When everybody woke up we all ate breakfast. The boys were talking an laughing. I didn't say much. I had too much on my mind.

We all got dressed and they all said they wanted to show me around. We drove around town and looked at everything. Every once in a while we'd all stop at the gas station and get and get a drink and a snack. We did this for about three hours. It was fun.

At 1:00 we went back to there flat and I got my suitcase. It was time for me to go home. I wish I could've stayed longer but I have school.

When we got to the airport Ashton walked me inside to say goodbye. "Well I am gonna miss you." He said. "I am going to miss ya too. Don't forget to write me a letter." I said smiling. "I won't Mia Jane." He smiled. I never understood why he called me by my first and middle name but it's like my nickname to him. "Looks like the plane is going to take off soon." I said. He nodded and for the first time we kissed. "I love you." "I love you too."

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