What if happiness was a choice, would you choose it? Well, of course you would... probably, so let me ask you another question.. What if you were in front a bridge, would you jump or carry on with life?
[Start: 02/02/17]
[End: 21/05/17]
Sitting back, I look up at my white ceiling.. looking at the details trying to do something productive.
But all I was doing was killing time..
None of this is relevant in anyway but some reason is still plays a part in my existence, all I'm good at is losing time in my grasp and let it slip by. And then I realise a mountain full of time has passed by then I regret everything...
That's how I'm going to die honestly.. but on a more serious note, I feel like life is too short... it's short and you beat yourself up for not spending the fullest of it..
Note: You can always kill time but you can never get it back, so in those bored moments, try to use those times productively and to not use them, just doing nothing..
And may I say, that's a note forever.
. . . .
Sighing, I pick myself up and walk to the kitchen..
I want food so much right now!!!
I grabbed some leftover seaweed soup, Jin made and sat down on the couch.. let me say... I was eating my heart out.
After I finished the soup, I put the bowl in the sink.
I'll wash this later..
I laughed to myself and sat back down on the couch..
I swear if he says he's going out again, I'm going to bitch slap so he stays by my side!
I chuckled because of the thought of his face if I did and thought to myself, If there's anything I can do.
Hmmmm..... why don't I have a me day, just for me only.. YEAH I DON'T NEED OTHER PEOPLE TO MAKE ME HAPPY!!!!!
....now ...
What am I going to do?
====================== Short chapters af @.......@
I cri cuz there's less than 10 chapters left ;-:
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And I also have break from school so I'll try to force on making more chapters ㅁㄴㅁ