Fish and stuff

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Lexi sat on her bed and looked nervously out the window.  She could not believe she had been up since the crack of dawn waiting to go fishing.  Looking at the clock she saw it was ten minutes until nine and she couldn’t help but wonder if he was one of those people that was always late or if he was punctual like she was.  Seeing his blue truck come up the drive, she smiled so happy he was early.  Running down the stairs, Lexi was completely unaware that another person watched her fly down the steps and run out the front door. 

Trying to calm herself as she walked to the truck, she smiled shyly as Daryl stood by her door and opened it for her.  Smiling at Luke, sitting in his seat she sat down and was totally excited to start their day.

“Hi Lexi” Luke smiled “You ready to fish with us?”

“I sure am Luke, I’m pretty excited since I’ve never done this before” Lexi said

Looking at Daryl who began driving back down the driveway, she was glad he couldn’t read minds…he looked good enough to eat, she thought.

“Dad, should I tell her the boat rules?” Luke asked in all seriousness

Daryl grinned and winked at Lexi who’s heart skipped a beat.

“Sure, she should probably know them since she’s never been” Daryl said amused.

“Okay, first of all, no standing in the boat Lexi” Luke started

“Gotcha” Lexi said softly and smiled

“and no talking loudly, it scares the fish” Luke continued

“I can do that” she smiled, looking over at Daryl who smiled back

“and no saying ewwww gross when you have to pick up a worm” Luke said seriously

Lexi almost laughed but did her best to keep a straight face.

“Worms?  You never said anything about worms” Lexi said acting afraid.

Luke was quiet for awhile.

“That’s okay Lexi, I’ll put the worm on for you” Luke said quietly

“Hey now, wait a minute, if she wants to fish then she has to do it all” Daryl teased her with a wink.

“Ewww gross” Lexi said with a smirk and a roll of her eyes as Daryl laughed.

“C’mon dad” Luke said earnestly “Girls aren’t good with worms and stuff like that….I’ll do it for her, I don’t mind”

Lexi’s heart melted in a big puddle of goo, she couldn’t believe how sweet this little boy was.

“Oh alright” Daryl sighed but was still chuckling to himself. 

Pulling the truck down a winding road into a gravel parking lot, Lexi looked around and loved seeing the beautiful lake and small boats that lined the shore.  Following Luke and Daryl as they carried their fishing gear, Lexi slightly smiled at how excited Luke was.  Watching them get into the boat Lexi stared at it and became unsure how to get in it exactly.  Looking at Daryl who held out his hand, she took it gingerly and stepped into the boat as she looked into his eyes.  Sitting down quickly she couldn’t believe how soft his hands were, especially for a mechanic!  Watching Daryl’s muscles flex and relax while rowing, she began feeling a heat between her legs.  What the hell is wrong with me? She wondered. Here I am getting ready to fish for the first time and all I can think about is how his soft hands would feel all over my body!  Mentally scolding herself she almost didn’t realize Daryl had stopped rowing and they were in the middle of the lake.
Watching Luke thread the wiggly worm on the hook, she couldn’t help thinking in her head, ew gross.  She was so glad Luke had offered to do it for her.  Looking at Daryl as he handed her a fishing rod, she stared at it and then at him again, having no clue what to do.

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