Moving in back to town

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3 years later  ( A/N : everyone was in the same year except Aaron he was in college already even Gene)

Kai pov 

Its been three years since I saw everyone else especially Ein -blushes-  - sigh- I still like him even l-love him after all these three years, he always in my mind when I was in college. Back to reality I just move back to Phoenix Drop since I miss this place and I think everyone else still lives in Phoenix Drop. I got this house in a street called Phoenix Drop street ( A/N : I didn't want to called the street Mystreet) and I hope my neighbors are nice. I just finished putting away the last box for the day and i will head out to meet my neighbors. I seriously miss everyone and Ein after i went to a college that was 1000 miles away from everyone and Ein.

I just left the house and went to a house that was next door and the house was just red.I went to the front door and knock the door three times until i heard a female voice saying that she will get it.When the door open I couldn't believe that the person that open the door was my friend Aphmau and she was still the same short girl that i knew in Phoenix Drop High.

" May I help you " ,  Aphmau said. I think she didn't look up or my appearance change.

"  Aph don't you remember me , its me Kai " , I said to Aph.  

" Kai is that really you , I miss you soo much " ,  Aph said then she hug me so tight that I couldn't breathe.

Then a black hair guy came to see what taking Aph so long. He saw and saw that i couldn't breathe. And he told Aph that i couldn't breathe and Aph release me from the death hug.

" I'm sorry Kai I just miss you like I miss Ein " , Aph said and when she said that my cheeks started to turn red.

Aph saw my face and said " Kai are you alright " and i said , " Y-yeah I-I'm alright " and I curse my self that I stuttered.

Then the black hair guy said " Aphmau who is this guy " and Aph said " Oh yeah you two have never meet since Aaron graduated before us sooo Kai meet Aaron , my boyfriend and Aaron meet Kai my friend that I meet in senior year after you graduated and went to college ".

I shake Aaron's hand and said " Nice to meet you Aaron ", and Aaron said " Nice to meet you too , Kai ".  

"So Kai how are you doing and what brings you here", Aph said .

"Oh I just move next door and I was bored so I went to meet the neighbors aka you even if I did actually met you couple years ago ", I said.

"Ohhhh" , Aph said.

"So how everyone else do they still live in this town or left", I said.

"Umm everyone still live in this town actually everyone lives in Phoenix Drop Street well except Ein, we haven't heard of him in three years ", Aph said to me.

"Oh" that was just my answer and i was sad that  nobody haven't heard of Ein in a long time.

I check my watch and I notice is almost dinner time so i had to tell Aph that I'm going to prepare dinner.

"Aph I have to go , is almost dinner time and I have to prepare dinner so bye Aph and Aaron it was nice to meet you again Aph , see you tomorrow", I said to them.

"Oh goodnight Kai and see you tomorrow " Aph said and Aaron said "Goodnight Kai".

I went to my house and made food for myself , after I finished eating , I wash the dishes and went to put my night clothes and went straight to my bed. The only thing i thought when I was trying to sleep is where is Ein and  why everyone  haven't heard of him and then I feel asleep.

  Aphmau pov (surprise that Aph will have a pov in the first chapter)

(After Kai knock on the door)

When Kai told me if everyone else still live here , I told him that everyone except Ein live here and told him that i haven't heard of Ein in a long time. He just said "Oh" and he was kinda sad when I said  that I haven't heard of Ein in three years . After Kai left I thought that Kai has a crush on Ein and now that I thought of that I remember that Kai and Ein always blush when they are close to each other or sit next to each other. 

Thinking of them being together makes me squeal and I actually squeal because I heard Aaron if  I was fine and I said happily "Yeah I'm fine I just was thinking a new ship" and I think I just heard Aaron groan.

After that,Aaron and I want to sleep.


Hey guys i hope you like the first chapter

Forgot to do this 

Kai : wait what I am doing here 

Ein : yeah why me and Kai are doing here 

Kas: you both are doing tell the readers that I don't own you or the other characters ok 

Ein and Kai : Kas don't own us or the other characters all of them are Aphmau's characters and credit to her that  she made us ok bye 

Kas: that what i have today sayanora guys and see you in the next chapter , bye

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