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(This is the last chapter of this story)

Third pov

~2 months later~

Its been two months since the twins were born. And today is the wedding of Kai and Ein.

Everyone was ready for the wedding to start. Kai was wearing a white tux to represent that he was the bride  and Ein was wearing a black tux  to represent that he was the groom. Kai maid of honor was Aphmau. Ein best man was Aaron. The brides maid were Katelyn, Kawaii Chan, Lucinda and Laurence. The groomsmen were Travis, Zane, Gene, and Garroth. Zoe was wearing a cute dress and she was with Kai. Nico was wearing a cute tux and he was Ein. 

"I can't believe that today is the day" Kai said while walking back and fort.

"Kai you need to calm down, I know how you feel when it was my wedding day" Aphmau said.

"Yeah I need to calm down, but HOW!" Kai said.  

"Here" Aphmau said and passed down bay Zoe to him.

Kai grab her and Zoe started to giggling. That help Kai and Kai started to tickle her.

"Thank you" Kai said.

"No problem I knew she will help you calm down" Aphmau said.

Kai was about to open his mouth to talk but it was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Kai are you ready" Sylvanna said. Sylvanna was going to help Kai since no one of his family or Ein family could come to their wedding since the say they were "busy".

"Y-Yeah I'm ready" Kai answer.

Sylvanna open the door and said "Kai you look beautiful".

"Thanks" Kai said.

"Now come on" Sylvanna said.

Everyone got out and the bridesmaid went to the groomsmen. Couple minutes later the wedding music start to play. Kai was holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and the other hand he was holding Zoe.

Kai made it to the alter and saw Ein and Ein was holding Nico. They look at each other and started to blush. Ein said "You look so beautiful" and Kai said back " You look so handsome" and they smile at each other.

The priest started to say things and then he said now tell your vows.

"Kai the first time I saw you when I saw you hanging out with Aphmau and then she introduce me to you. Then I started to feel a connection and I knew that we were mates but I was to shy to say it since I was a werewolf and you were a meif'wa I didn't want to be rejected, then we never saw each other after we graduated since we went to different college. But then we saw each other again 8 months ago when we were at the same store. Then later that day we saw each other when Aphmau invited us for a party. Everyone was there too and it was fun. Then later that night everyone was drunk but some of them were not drunk. I was drunk but I knew you took me to the guest room and then I mark you and feel asleep............................................................( There is to much to write so I'm just going to skip it)

Kai say his wedding vows too. 

The priest talks more then the I do's happen.

The priest says "Do you Ein take Kai as your Husband/Wife, through sickness and health, forever and ever".

"I do" Ein says.

The priest says to Kai "Do you Kai take Ein as your Husband through sickness and health, forever and ever".

"I do" Kai says.

"Now I pronounced you Husband and Husband/Wife, you can now kiss the bride" The priest says.

Kai and Ein look at each other and they kiss each other. Every one cheer at the newly weds.

Every one made it the reservation and everything went well. I mean it did went well for the newly weds and also for Aaron and Aphmau.

When they were cutting the cake and were passing it out to the guest, Aphmau told Kai and Ein to make sure that the people who was making their wedding cake that can also make a mini cake for Aaron the says "Congrats you will be a father". When Kai and Ein heard it they congratulated Aphmau.

So when Aaron got his cake he was surprise that it was different than the other pieces but when he look closer at the cake he saw something written on it. It says "Congrats you will be a father". He gasp and look at Aphmau and she nodded at him. He stood up, grab Aphmau and pull her in a hug. He then kiss her and says "This is one the best days in my life".

Everyone around him clap and some whistle and others congratulated the soon-to-be parents.

The night went fine and it was the best days of their life to some people. 

Everyone is happy, Kai and Ein with their twins babies, Aphmau and Aaron home and Aaron feeling her baby bump, Zane and Kawaii~Chan now engaged, and Garroth and Laurence making out somewhere. Their lives are going great and this is the end of their story but you can imagine how everyone is doing.


Kas: Sorry that haven't updated, I was being lazy and when I try to type in some, I don't have Ideas but here I'm finishing the story. I hope y'all like the book this was my very first but I think it was an ok book. 

Kas;Now here is Kai and Ein and they will end the story with this book last disclaimer.

Kai/Ein: well hi everyone, this is the lat disclaimer for this book of us - blushes- well we will say this Kas does not own us or anybody in this book all credit goes to Aphmau well then bye and we see y'all again one day.

Kas: Well this is the end of this book so bye guys and I see y'all in another book bye~

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